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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Map Out Strategy To Win Hearts Of Voters - Muhyiddin

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 (Bernama) -- Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has ordered the Umno machinery to map out a strategy to win the hearts of voters and strengthen unity as the keys for the Barisan Nasional (BN) to win the next general election.

Speaking when opening the delegates meeting of the Wanita, Youth and Puteri wings simultaneously at the Putra World Trade Centre here Tuesday night, the deputy prime minister wanted the three wings, which he described as the frontliners, to step up their groundwork in an effort to win the next general election.

"Go down to the nook and corner of the country, traverse the valleys, the ridges and the trails from Kangar to Semporna, raise the banner of the struggle, God willing, we will carry the torch of victory," said the Umno deputy president.

Delivering a speech entitled 'Together Shaping the Victory', he reminded Umno fighters that they were now in the midst of a political battle that would determine the survival of the party, and the race and the nation's future.

Muhyiddin, who is also the BN director of election, said upon choosing Umno as the platform of their struggle, party members should realise that they could not do it on their own or for themselves.

"We need the support and input of our political colleagues. Work in the spirit of one heart, one mind, one objective, and one endeavour to continue the agenda of the party's holy struggle," said Muhyiddin, who is clad in a bright red baju Melayu.

He also called on Umno fighters to be confident that they were right for the holy struggle would enable the party to continue to defend Islam, fight for the Malays, uphold national sovereignty of the country, and enhance the prosperity of the race and religion.

"With the onslaughts of devious scheme in twisting the foundation of the religion, challenging the dignity of the race, threatening the sovereignty of the nation, the foundation of Umno's holy struggle must be strengthened," he said before nearly 3,000 delegates at the Merdeka Hall.

He also called on Umno members to continue to support the leadership of Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who is leading a major transformation for the country.

He said through the government, economic and political transformation programmes, Umno's renewals were being felt at every level of the society from farmers, fishermen, taxi drivers, teenagers, undergraduates, professionals and civil servants.

"For the past 66 years, Umno has fought for the Malays and Islam, Umno had never harmed any race. This is justice and equality to Umno.

"Umno fighters should not feel guilty for advancing the party's struggle for it has promised to continue to defend the Malays and Malaysians," he said, adding this was Umno and the BN's promise.

Muhyiddin said Umno had never forsaken the principle of its Islamic struggle, instead it upheld the sanctity of Islam.

"We uphold the Islamic education system, we defend the Islamic legal system, we develop the Islamic economic system," he said.

He said Malaysia was held in high regard by the world as the best example of an Islamic country, and it had helped Muslims under siege worldwide, including in Bosnia, Gaza and Myanmar.

"Thank God, due to the wisdom of the leadership of our country, Malaysia has just helped solved the Bangsamoro conflict in the Philippines. All this is the result of Umno's struggle to uphold Islam," he said.

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