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Friday 30 November 2012

Malaysia On Right Path To Achieve Per Capita Income Of US$15,000 - Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 (Bernama) -- Malaysia is capable of achieving a per capita income of US$15,000 (US$1=RM3.04) in seven years' time or even earlier for it is in the right tract to advance to the status, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The prime minister said following the implementation of the Government Transformation Programme, Economic Transformation Programme and the New Economic Model, the GNI per capita income increased 30 per cent between 2009 and 2011, from US$6,700 to US$9,700.

"In fact, if we use the World Bank yardstick for classifying a high-income country, which is US$12,476, then it clearly shows that despite having seven more years to go, Malaysia is already on the right track to advance to that status even earlier," he said in his presidential address at the 66th Umno general assembly at the PWTC here Thursday.

The Umno president said the people deserved to know an edge over the opposition which the Barisan Nasional's (BN) had in charting out a holistic direction to develop the country for all races for the past 50 years.

"The choice is also very clear, for us to see our children regardless of race or religion laughing, growing and vacationing together, or being brought up with a burning hatred," he said before over 2,700 Umno delegates in his keynote address themed "Transformative Leadership towards the National Vision' which was telecast live over RTM.

In the one and a half speech, Najib also expounded on two important messages to Umno and BN, namely organisational discipline and winning new and young voters.

He hoped the meaning of organisational discipline was understood well for an act of sabotage could recur, thus it was important that Umno members were loyal to the party and obey instructions.

Prospective winnable candidates must not only be acceptable to the party, but should also be well-liked as voters by the community, he added.

On new voters, the prime minister said the voting behaviour of the new generation born after Umno formation was different for their consideration was not based on past experience, but merit and future vision.

On opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Najib said he qualified to be appropriately dubbed a political chameleon.

"When speaking in the United States and to other communities, he speaks in a different tone; when lecturing to the Malays and Muslims, it is another story.

"While he was with us in Umno, his methods were such and such; now as the leader of the opposition, his stand has changed. Going by an adage, people say he speaks with a forked tongue," he added.

The prime minister said obviously, no one could guess Anwar's real character for he openly supported efforts to ensure the security of Israel, at a time when the world was condemning the cruel Tel Aviv regime for the genocide of Muslims in Gaza.

"However, when the government tabled a motion to censure Israel in Parliament ... he expressed support as well ... it really puzzles me," said Najib.

Najib also questioned PAS' hypocrisy when he recalled that "Tuan Guru" had labeled Umno members as infidels in 1981 for working with non-Muslims, thus sowing the seeds of hatred among Muslims.

Chiding the DAP for touting itself as the most democratic party in the country, Najib said it was in fact a father, son, in-law party with its adviser, Lim Kit Siang, even though not an elected leader, was evidently quite a powerful individual in the party.

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