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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Hadi for PM? Here’s what he really said …

The Star has been going to town with Pas president Hadi Awang’s purported ambition to become Prime Minister. So I contacted Pas central working committee member Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad to find out what was happening.

Listen from 50:45

It is not difficult to understand why The Star is playing this up. The MCA paper obviously wants to unnerve those who might be concerned about Pas leading a new federal government.

Dzul sizes up what Hadi really meant. “I was there when he touched on the subject,” says Dzul, “and I was listening carefully to every word he said.”

“When Hadi welcomed the proposal by the ulama wing chief, he was talking in jest in a cynical way.

“Hadi immediately added, if Islam was upheld, he would be willing to die the next day.

Dzul says Hadi followed it with an anecdote about the perils of being overly ambitious and counting (fish) eggs before they are hatched.

Apparently Kedah MB Azizan had invited Hadi for a fishing trip. Before they could go on the fishing trip, he discussed all kinds of mouth-watering fish recipes with his wife. But as it turned out, the catch was dismal, and all those premature fantasies of a fish feast was just idle talk. (Kind of reminds you of the ambitions of the three Gerakan candidates for Penang Chief Minister ahead of the 2008 general election, doesn’t it?)

Immediately before the talk of the PM proposal, Hadi had been stressing the importance of making proper preparations for the coming election.

On 18 November, Harakahdaily had reported:

Nov 18: PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang said vying for positions should be the last thing on the minds of those who struggle for Islam. Responding to some delegates who argued that Hadi should be the prime minister should Pakatan Rakyat win the next election, he brushed it aside saying it was not part of his wish list.

Hadi reiterated that the focus now was for PAS and Pakatan Rakyat to occupy the Federal seat after the 13th general election, and not who should be the prime minister.

“As someone trained in the Islamic mould, I cannot ask to be a leader, leadership is a huge trust and a big responsibility.

“What is important is that we step into Putrajaya. The prime minister will be from among those who qualify, who can unite and uphold justice to the people,” he said.

Hadi again expressed his intention to return to his life as fisherman. “At least, I can teach (Islam) to people,” he said….

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