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Thursday 6 September 2012

Unruly protesters spoil DAP’s Raya open house

A Penang DAP Raya open house celebration in George Town was disrupted by unruly protesters believed to be petty traders, many of them from out of town, who had been subject to MPPP enforcement action for unlicensed trading.

The Penang state assembly member for Komtar, Ng Wei Aik, had his government car scratched and the hood dented after a couple of protesters jumped on the bonnet. Malaysiakini reported him as claiming that it took police 40 minutes to arrive even though the Pattani Road police station was nearby. Ng also claimed that Perkasa was among those backing the protest.

The state Umno Youth chief has denied his party was involved in the protest.
A separate source told me one of the protesters was also seen during the disruption of the Himpunan Hijau rally in Penang earlier this year.

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