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Wednesday 26 September 2012

School field sacrificed for flyover project

SJK(T) Senawang's field will be taken up for the Seremban-Tampin road project and parents are none too pleased.

SENAWANG: A group of parents and several Pakatan Rakyat state assemblymen staged a protest in front of Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Senawang yesterday against a planned flyover project that will cut cross the school field.

P Gunasekaran, DAP’s Senawang state assemblyman, who was representing the parents, said: “The field is already small, about 8,000 sq ft, smaller than a standard field in schools.

“The Public Works Department plans to build a flyover here and 50% of the field will be taken up for the project on the Seremban-Tampin federal road. This project was approved in 2009.

“The building of flyover close to the 125-year-old school will result in noise pollution and will disrupt lessons. The government should relocate the school, with a proper field for the students.

“There is ample land (oil palm) adjacent to the school. The state government can acquire the land, relocate the school and provide a new and bigger school field,” said Gunasekaran.

Gunasekaran said the root cause of the problem was poor planning by the authorities.

“The government should not have built a KTM commuter station here in the first place as it is on a narrow location and too close to the school – just by the side of the Seremban federal road.

“If the station was built in a much more spacious land or location, the need to build a flyover will definitely not arise,” he said.

“The commuter station and flyover cutting across the school field is inviting noise pollution for the 726 students and teachers.”

MIC’s playing a game

Gunasekaran also said that state exco VS Mogan (MIC) contacted him three days ago asking for more time to discuss and resolve the problem with the relevant authorities.

“Somehow he (Mogan) was aware that we were going to stage a protest and wanted me to call it off. He told me that he needed just one more day to negotiate with the relevant agencies.

“This project was approved in 2009. Why didn’t he raise the matter with PWD and the state government then?” asked Gunasekaran.

“MIC tried to steal a march on us by hurriedly putting up a banner the night before the planned protest. This is the first time in Negeri Sembilan I’m seeing MIC objecting to a government plan.

“The banner is still there but no MIC leader showed up the next morning. Hanging banners is not a big deal as hundreds of NGOs are doing this everywhere.

“My advice to MIC is to please stop politicising this issue,” said Gunasekaran, adding that Pakatan was not politicising the issue as the students’ interest need to be protected.

Gunasekaran said the banner he brought along did not carry his name or the logos of DAP, PAS or PKR even though the state assemblymen from the three parties were present.

“Students’ studies and sports activities need to be protected. We will mobilise bus loads of parents to protest at Parliament if the government still goes ahead with the project.

Relocate the flyover

Meanwhile, Paroi state assemblyman, Mohd Taufek Abdul Ghani (PAS) gave an ultimatum to government to relocate the flyover.

“How are we going to develop the physical and mental capabilities of the children when there is no place for sports activities?

“The size of the field is already small. If 50% of the field is taken up for the project, what is there left for the students?

“As this school sits in my constituency, I will raise this issue in the state assembly sitting scheduled for next month,” said Mohd Taufek.

Also present at the protest were state assemblyman for Port Dickson M Ravi (PKR), Ean Yong Tin Sin (Lukut-DAP), Ng Chin Tsai (Temiang-DAP) and Aminuddin Harun (Sikamat-PKR).

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