Malaysia is practising double standard towards non-muslims all time which is a cancerous decease. Vast Muslim majority ruling party UMNO doesn’t care the plight of non-muslims. This has been practised for a long time to discriminate the non-Muslims. In many cases non-muslims fear to speak about issues is sensitive due to Suppression of Malaysia Authority. If we analyse the list of double standard, It will go to Hundred thousands.
Few reason incidents the government played their double standard in the dealings.Hamza Kashgari. Kashgari, wanted by the Saudi authorities for tweets which allegedly insulted Islam and Prophet Muhammad, was deported by the Malaysian authorities on 12 February 2012. Kashgari fled Saudi Arabia when his life and well being were threatened despite his apology and removal of his aforementioned tweets. Detained at an undisclosed location since his arrest on 9 February at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Kashgari was denied access to legal counsel, as well as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). He was deported hastily, reportedly in a private plane supplied by the Saudi authority in the morning of 12 Feb.
Mean while an Indian preacher Zakir Naik who insulted Hinduism came to Malaysia for his preaching tour in Malaysia. Zakir Naik insulted Lord Ganesh(Hindu God) and Hindus openly in facebook but his entry was allowed by Malaysian Authority freely.
Many Malaysians aware of Zakir Naik´s posting in facebook, reported to police and urged Malaysian government to stop his preaching program(Forum). Yet without taking action on that man they just ignored the case. It is clearly double standard if you see Kashgari was deported due to Insulting Islam but Zakir Naik was allowed due to Insulting Hinduism.
The second issue, a Hindu man who converted to Islam Shah Kirit. Insulted Lord Shiva and goddess Kali in his youtube clip.50 Hindus were angered made police report about Shah Kirit on 08 April 2008 in Tangkak police station, Malacca. On 9 April 2008 100 Hindus went to make police report against Shah Kirit in Nyalas police station, Malacca. Followed by Hindus in Penang made police report on 08 April 2008
In Tanjong Tokong police station but till today no action was taken against Shah Kirit and his youtube video wasn’t banned by Malaysia government.
On 26 September 2012 J.Gopinath a Hindu youth who made an insult comment against Islam and Prophet Muhammad was arrested by Klang police authority. The 25-year old youth is being probed under Section 4 (1) of the Sedition Act and Section 298 (a) of the Penal Code for deliberately making statements to hurt the religious sentiments of Islam. Gopinath commented on a YouTube video which showed Islamic speaker Shah Kirit Kakulal Govindji ridiculing Hinduism. Gopinath is remanded till 1 October 2012 whereas Shah Kirit who insulted Hinduism walking freely.
Malaysia is practising religious intolerance and step by step going towards Islam extremism . We can clearly see that Muslims have one set of law which protected by Malaysia Authority and Non-Muslims have another set of law which suppresses their rights of expression.
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