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Sunday 5 August 2012

Makkal Sakti: Indians' support for BN has risen to 80pct

The Indian community's support for Barisan Nasional (BN) has risen to nearly 80 percent following the BN government under the leadership of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak always taking measures to improve the lot of the community, besides ensuring peace and prosperity in the country.

Makkal Sakti Party president RS Thanenthiran said the Indian community had largely returned their trust in the BN government as it had fulfilled the promises it made to the people, including solving problems faced by the Indian commmunity.

“The prime minister has given importance to winning back the support of the Indian community by taking various measures such as increasing the number of Tamil schools and upgrading the existing ones, while no Hindu temple will be demolished but the temples are getting tens of thousands on ringgit in aid instead.”

Thanenthiran said this to reporters after the opening of Makkal Sakti's 4th annual general meeting in Lumut today.

Also present were Perak Menteri Besar Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir who announced a RM100,000 allocation for the party to prepare for the coming 13th general election campaign.

Thanenthiran said the opposition, on the other hand, was trying to divide the Indians and was also only good at making empty promises.

“Pakatan Rakyat had promised to give seven cabinet ministerial posts to Indians (if it captures Putrajaya), but if you look at the Selangor government now, it only has one Indian exco member. I think the Indian community wont' fall for the opposition's empty promises any more,” he added.

Asked about the party's effort to get more Indians to register as voters, he said the party had worked hard including conveying BN's message to the grassroots.

He said Makkal Sakti's membership had now reached more then 100,000 and the party would strive at getting BN to look into the requests made by the Indian community pertaining to economy and education.

He also hoped that the Indians themselves undertake transformation such as getting employed or better jobs to reduce poverty in the community.

- Bernama


Anonymous said...

hahaha..umno said other people as 3rd class..if it true a third class people support a party that said these people are 3rd class weird but it make sense

Anonymous said...

Who would believe Thanenthiran? He's there for himself. Ask people in Butterworth.. they would enlist what he's capable of. One thing the BN Indian based parties .. have yet to do is ... to work for the rakyat. When that happens, Indians will support BN. Until now, BN Indian parties are only helping themselves to whatever is available.. that strategy which began with Samy Vellu's ascension has not changed