The opposition leader (picture) said the entire RCI was flawed as its terms were lacking details and do not include identifying those responsible or recommending punishment on them.
“These are major criminal acts, particularly when it involves corruption and cheating and falsifying documents... these are serious flaws, but of course, these are not part of the RCI’s terms of reference,” he told reporters after a function announcing the crossover of another senior Barisan Nasional (BN) here.
The newly-established RCI on Sabah’s illegal immigrants has been tasked to investigate if foreigners in the state have been unlawfully awarded Malaysian ICs or citizenships and included in the electoral roll.
But the panel’s terms, announced in Kota Kinabalu yesterday by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, do not include a probe to identify those involved in handing out citizenships unlawfully.
The opposition have often laid blame on former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for the state’s extraordinary spike in migrant population, claiming he had spearheaded “Project IC” or “Projek M”.
The “Projek IC” initiative was purportedly kicked off in the early 1980s during Dr Mahathir’s tenure to give out Malaysian ICs to illegal immigrants in Sabah, in order to help the ruling BN stay in power.
“Yes, it seems Dr Mahathir is clearly nervous about the RCI,” Anwar said here.
“But they (BN) must have given their assurance that they will not pick at who is at fault, who are the people taking money or falsifying documents and why... so that means the entire RCI is just flawed,” he said.
Anwar added that Sabah voters were likely to have little regard for the RCI, noting the government’s years of refusal to set up the panel.
He pointed out that the decades-old problem could not be so easily resolved within the six months deadline given to the panel to make its recommendations to the government.
The PKR de facto leader suggested that the RCI was merely a political ploy, referring to its formation so close to the coming polls, and added that like the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on electoral reforms, the panel was unlikely to solve Sabah’s problem with illegal immigrants.
“This is just like a gimmick. They (the government) are not serious. I believe most Sabahans would not have any regard for this RCI because they have learned from the past on how their request to form the panel was not heeded,” he said.
Najib’s announcement on the RCI’s reference terms yesterday comes just two weeks after the twin exits of two senior Sabah BN lawmakers – Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing and Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin.
Both men cited their dissatisfaction with the government’s delay on the RCI, which the Cabinet had already agreed to form on February 8 this year.
In Sabah, the problem of illegal immigrants has been dominating every election since 1970 as the local natives believe that foreigners are to blame for the state’s economic, social and security problems.
Some 27 per cent of Sabah’s 3.12 million population are said to be foreigners.
1 comment:
Saudara-saudara dan Saudari-saudari Yang Di Hormati
Bahawa MCA Gombak pegurusi YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya Yip Jiun Hann (Permuda MCA Gombak) bukan sahaja menggunakan kuasanya menghisap wang KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tetapi lebih dahsyat, ialah menipu wanita-wanita dan merosakan keluarga orang lain. Mereka sebenar-benarnya orang yang jahat dan tak bermoral
Saya mengemukakan kesal yang benar ini, tujuan ialah harap orang ramai, khasnya wanita dapat mengambil perhatian supaya jangan terjerat oleh manis-manis mulutnya akhir akan meninpa kerugian dan kesakitan yang besar
马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师与马华公会鹅唛區会叶君瀚青年圑長, 不但无耻的利用KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.宗教之名捞取权和私利之外, 叧一大罪悪是, 他们仗着权势, 甜言蜜語, 誘骗良家少女, 骗财骗色, 三妻四妾, 破坏别人的家庭. 父子两人, 无悪不做, 实是大色狼, 大老千,缺德的败娄.
今天我把实事公告大家, 是希望公众, 特别是良家少女, 要多多小心, 提防这一娄假面具的佛教徒, 以免一失足成千古恨.
Brother And Sister Of the respectfully
That YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak chairman and his son Yip Jiun Hann (Youth MCA Gombak) they are not only used of power to suck Temple’s money of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But far worse, they are cheating women and make people family broken. They truly wicked and immoral
Bring forward. I regret that this is true, the purpose is to hope for public, and especially women take care not to be trapped by the end of sweet mouth will override of great loss and pain
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