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Tuesday 3 July 2012

Anti-Chinese Perkasa circular?

It warns Chinese traders not to raise prices of goods and to ensure Malay candidates win at the polls.

PETALING JAYA: A circular, purportedly by right-wing Malay group Perkasa, warning Chinese traders not to raise the prices of goods has been making its rounds on Facebook.

Supposedly printed by Perkasa’s Johor branch, the circular also demanded Chinese voters to ensure the victory of Malay candidates in next general election.

“Warning!” the unsigned circular read, before continuing: “To all Chinese traders. Do not raise the price of necessary goods as you like.”

“To all the Chinese voters, make sure that Malay candidates win,” it read.

The circular ended with an excerpt of a voting slip, showing a cross next to the BN logo, indicating support for the ruling government in the upcoming general election.

On many occasions, Perkasa has shown its support for Barisan Nasional, while vehemently attacking the federal opposition, Pakatan Rakyat.

Some critics have also painted Perkasa as a racist organisation, a claim the group has repeatedly rubbished.
Speaking to FMT, Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali denied that the group ever came out with such a warning.

“I don’t know about this. I don’t believe this. We have never put out a statement like this,” he said.
He hinted that the circular may have been printed by Pakatan-friendly individuals, citing reverse psychology as a factor.

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