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Thursday 14 June 2012

Muslim sues NYPD for refusing to hire him after he said homosexuals should be locked up

Remember: wherever Islamic law and practice and American law and practice conflict, it is American law and practice that has to give way. The NYPD probably wouldn't hire anyone who said that he thought that homosexuals should be imprisoned; after all, there are a lot of gays in New York City, and a policeman who isn't going to treat all people fairly is not much of a policeman. But no such considerations matter when it comes to Islam.
"Anti-gay Muslim cries bias," by Helen Freund and Laura Italiano in the New York Post, June 12 (thanks to Ron):
The NYPD wouldn’t hire him — because he is anti-gay, a Police Academy reject complains in a startling new discrimination lawsuit. The would-be cop from Brooklyn — identified only as “Farhan Doe” — is a Muslim-American who believes homosexuality is a sin as a matter of religious principal [sic], according to the suit.
Doe deserves to be in the NYPD, despite checking the “yes” box next to the question, “Do you believe that homosexuals should be locked up,” in 2009, when he applied, said his lawyer, Jerold Levine.
When Doe — who works as an auxiliary cop in Brooklyn — applied to the Police Academy the next year, he’d softened his views, still believing homosexuality is a sin, but no longer believing gays should be arrested, Levine said.
“They pro forma denied him again — saying he couldn’t possibly be a police officer,” the lawyer said. “The First Amendment is very clear, saying that you can’t discriminate against someone because they have a view you do not like,” he said....
Indeed, but doesn't that principle apply also to "Farhan Doe," if he were hired as a policeman and had to deal with gays?

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