Last month, a retired
Anti-Corruption Commission or MACC officer met up with me in London to
hand over a thick file of hundreds of documents. This was one very
disillusioned anti-corruption officer who wanted the world to know that
some of the MACC officers are as corrupted as the people they are
supposed to investigate. He made it sound as if it was like putting the
fox in charge of the chicken run.
I suppose
that makes sense when you consider that people under interrogation have
been known to fall out of the window of the MACC office. The old adage
of ‘dead men tell no tales’ is very true and it does not cost that much
to ensure that witnesses fall out of windows so that the case would go
no further, like this particular case we are going to talk about.
in that file I was given are police reports, investigation reports,
recorded and signed statements, minutes, statements of accounts, bank
statements, copies of cheques, vouchers, contract notes, and so on.
Basically, it was an entire file going back 17 years when the MACC was
still known as the ACA (Anti-Corruption Agency).
gist of this whole story is about how the ACA had gathered enough
evidence to arrest and prosecute Azmin Ali for corruption involving
millions of Ringgit but the then Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim,
told them to NFA (no further action) the case and bury the file.
file remained buried all this while until my ex-MACC Deep Throat was
able to exhume it and run me a copy of the entire file. I must say that
the contents of the file, which took quite a while to read and digest,
is not only most interesting but is extremely damaging to both Azmin and
One interesting document in that
file is regarding the RM15,000 a month that Vincent Tan was paying Azmin
Ali. It seems Vincent Tan not only financed the fall of Perak but is
also financing the ‘other side’ as well. And, according to my ex-MACC
Deep Throat, this is still going on. I suppose that is what most Chinese
tycoons would do: hedge your bets by placing your money on all the
horses in the race.
Other than shares,
houses and cars totalling about RM1.5 million, almost RM10 million in
cash and cheques flowed through Azmin’s and Shamsidar Taharin’s (Azmin’s
wife’s) bank accounts. All these transactions were confirmed and
certified by the banks concerned, as the attached reports show (see
I am publishing just a few documents
from the hundreds to show you what happened. These documents are marked
‘SULIT’ and, therefore, come under the Official Secrets Act. So be
careful what you do with them. Better not print them out and have them
on your person or else you can end up in jail.
I will let the documents tell the rest of the story. I have summarised
in English what the ex-MACC officer told me to make it easier for you to
follow the case. His original ‘cheong hei’ statement in Bahasa Malaysia
is below that, followed by the documents.
Azmin Ali and his wife Shamsidar Taharin
1995, I was one of the senior ACA officers involved in the
investigation against Azmin Ali and his wife Shamsidar Taharin. I feel
it is my duty to reveal how corrupted Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali are.
The Director-General of the ACA then was Datuk Shafee Yahaya. He was
person who stopped the investigation against Azmin Ali on Anwar’s
investigation started from information received (tagged as ‘Exhibit A’
and attached herewith). The informer clearly listed Azmin Ali’s assets
in 1995 while he was working as Anwar’s Private Secretary with a salary
of RM2,400 per month. Following that, a police report was made to enable
the ACA to carry out an investigation (a copy of that report attached
marked as ‘Lampiran B’). The report was dated 24th May 1995.
a result, a report was submitted by the late Basri bin Idris (see
‘Lampiran C’ attached). The report showed, from 1991 -1995, Azmin owned,
amongst others, a BMW 325i, a Proton Wira 1.6 Xli, a Proton Satria 1.6
Xli, a Proton Perdana 2.0 SE, 1000 lots of Hicom shares and an 8500 sq.
ft. house at No. 23, Jalan 1/4D Bukit Mas, Taman Melawati.
Datuk Shafee’s orders (see minutes of meeting no. 2), the investigating
officer was directed not to seek a proper Notice of Declaration of
Assets from Azmin Ali, issued under Section 23 of Prevention of
Corruption Act 1961.
Under normal
circumstances, Azmin would certainly have been detained by the ACA for
further investigation. Instead, Datuk Shafee instructed the Director of
Investigation to personally meet Azmin in the Deputy Prime Minister’s
office (then, Anwar Ibrahim) and to ask him to submit a declaration on a
voluntary basis.
Now, what is the legal
implication when Azmin voluntarily declares his assets? Meaning to say,
he is not bound for any criminal prosecution under the Prevention of
Corruption Act and Penal Code if the Public Prosecutor is satisfied as
to how Azmin acquired his unexplained and excessive property.
of us who were involved in the investigation felt it was very strange
and we were also frustrated with the orders issued by Datuk Shafee.
it was Basri Idris who continued with the effort to obtain the Notice
of Declaration of Assets (see minutes of meeting No 2 dated 20th June
1965) that enabled the investigation to continue and examine the flow of
money in Azmin Ali’s accounts (quoted as YDS at paragraph 6 of the
Efforts to obtain the Notice were
successful (see minutes No. 4 – 9) and an investigation paper was
referred to Datuk Shafee on 8th May 1996.
refer to the minutes No. 10 dated 9th May 1995 and see how Datuk Shafee
wanted this case referred to the Deputy Prime Minister. Finally, look
at the minutes No. 15. The investigation paper was presented to Datuk
Shafee on 12th September 1996 by Dato’ Mohd Zawawi Nordin, the Deputy
Director General of the ACA at the time. Dato’ Mohd Zawawi clearly
stated Azmin’s assets were not within his means.
to that, Datuk Shafee, on the instructions of Anwar Ibrahim, buried the
investigation. After more than a year, on 23rd September 1997, Datuk
Shafee himself violated the law when he personally instructed this
investigation to be closed. See minutes No. 16 which says: "Have
informed the Honourable TP" and he wrote "KUS". The word KUS means
“Kemas Untuk Simpan”. It is the terminology used by the ACA and the
police when an investigation has been completed and no further action
(NFA) is to be taken.
Datuk Shafee had
committed a crime under the Criminal Procedure Code as well as the
Federal Constitution as he had no right to direct an inquiry to be
stopped unless on the orders by the Public Prosecutor.
voluntarily declaration of Azmin Ali’s assets may be seen below in the
ACA investigation file number 15/05/1995. Datuk Shafee had deliberately
removed the Notice of Assets Declaration and the declaration of Azmin
Ali’s assets.
This case involves an
investigation by the ACA on Azmin Ali, the Private Secretary to Datuk
Seri Anwar and his wife, Shamsidar, in 1995. Investigations focused on
Azmin allegedly having a lot of personal properties mostly obtained via
corruption committed while in office as Datuk Seri Anwar's private
secretary at the time. Anwar was the Deputy Prime Minister and the
Finance Minister of Malaysia then.
Based on
the information received and the police report, an investigation paper
was opened. During the inquiry, they found that Azmin’s pay was only
RM2,442 a month but he was able to buy two houses, where the first
house: double storey bungalow in Setapak priced at RM284,118 with a
deposit of RM14,181 and a monthly installment of RM3,376.75. While the
second semi-detached house in Taman Melawati price of RM210,000 with a
deposit of RM60,000 and a monthly installment of RM1,110.35.
combined monthly payments are approximately RM4,500. This alone shows
that Azmin’s liabilities are more than double his monthly salary. Where
did Azmin receive this additional money from to cover this debt? Not
only that, it doesn’t make sense if Azmin uses all his salary to pay off
the loan. Isn’t this enough to show that Azmin has other income?
Furthermore, not taken into account is where Azmin got the money to pay
the deposit on the houses.
conducted by the ACA also proved that Azmin has two vehicles, a BMW with
registration number BBN 3 costing RM160,529.85.81 where the deposit of
RM120,529 was paid plus installments of RM875 per month. The second car,
a Proton with registration number WDU 64, is worth RM80,767.81 with
monthly installments of RM700. If we look at the monthly commitments for
both the cars it is about RM1,700. At that time, RM1,700 was a lot
where the salary of the Deputy Prime Minister’s private secretary is
only RM2,000 plus.
But what most perplexes
me is why did the ACA close this case? While it is clear Azmin and his
wife have multiple properties that did not commensurate with his income,
the record, at that time, the Director General of ACA was Dato Shafee
Yahya. Clearly, the DG then made a decision that was not relevant to
stop the inquiry. What actually happened?
Azmin Ali and Anwar Ibrahim
adalah seorang bekas pegawai kanan BPR yang terlibat di dalam
penyiasatan kes terhadap Azmin Ali dan isterinya Shamsidar pada tahun
1995. Saya rasa terpanggil untuk mendedahkan bagaimana ‘corrupt’ seorang
bernama Anwar Ibrahim dan Azmin Ali di mana kedua-duanya kaya raya dan
malah cerita Shamsidar merupakan gundik Anwar pada saya bukanlah suatu
yang mengejutkan kerana telah lama perkara ini berlaku. Hanya orang yang
pekak, buta dan tuli sahaja yang sengaja mengatakan segala cerita
‘corrupt’ dan juga skandal sex mereka sebagai suatu cerita rekaan atau
konspirasi.Disini saya hendak menunjukkan contoh bagaimana seorang Ketua Pengarah BPR ketika itu, iaitu Datuk Shafee Yahaya kononnya seorang yang baik, berintegriti, pernah mendedahkan kononnya Dr Mahatir menengkingnya dalam kes Hassan Abul (Pesgawai BNM) dan kemudian buat buku pula yan menunjukkan bagaimana baiknya dia. Tapi dalam diam dan ramai orang BPR tahu dia telah menghentikan siasatan kes Azmin Ali setelah mendapat arahan Anwar. Kalau Datuk Shafee betul-betul bersih saya tabiklah. Tapi nak saya bongkarkan ke kisah Datuk sebelum Datuk jadi KP BPR? Maka Datuk Shafee tolonglah jangan nak komen apa-apa selepas pendedahan ini.
Kronologi Kes
Siasatan kes ini bermula daripada satu maklumat (yang di tandakan sebagai Lampiran A). Pemberi maklumat menyatakan dengan jelas pemilikan harta Azmin Ali yang ketika itu 1995 hanyalah Setiausaha Sulit (SUS) Anwar yang bergaji lebih kurang RM2400/=. Kalau sekarang beliau hanyalah gred 41 sahaja di dalam Perkhidmatan Awam. Ekoran daripada itu, satu repot polis telah dibuat bagi membolehkan BPR menjalankan siasatan (lihat Salinan Repot yang ditandakan sebagai Lampiran B). Repot yang dibuat adalah bertarikh 24.5.1995.
Ekoran itu, satu minit ringkas dikemukakan oleh Allahyarham Basri bin Idris sepertimana Lapiran C berkembar. Ia menunjukkan pemilikan harta Azmin sejak 1991 – 1995, antara lain memiliki sebuah BMW 325i, Proton Wira 1.6 Xli, Proton Satria 1.6 Xli. Proton Perdana 2.0 SE, 1000 saha,m Hicom, sebuah rumah No. 23, Jalan 1/4D Bukit Mas, Taman Melawati seluas 8500 sqft. Hebatkan? BPR siasat ke?
Atas arahan Datuk Shafee (lihat minit no. 2), pegawai penyiasat diarahkan supaya tidak memohon Notis Pengisytiharan Harta yang sepatutnya di keluarkan di bawah seksyen 23 Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1961 kepada Azmin Ali. Tuan-tuan semua tahu, kalau dalam keadaan biasa, bukan setakat Notis, tetapi Azmin sudah tentu akan ditahan untuk siasatan BPR. Knowing how BPR’s style of work. Besar atau tidak pangkatnya Azmin yang hanya gred biasa dalam perkhidmatan awam ketika itu, Pengarah Siasatan diarah oleh Datuk Shafee supaya berjumpa sendiri Azmin di pejabat TPM (siapa lagi kalu bukan Anwar Ibrahim) dan meminta Azmin mengemukakan pengisytiharan secara sukarela.
Now, what is the legal implication when Azmin voluntarily declare his asset? Meaning to say he is not bound for any criminal prosecution under Prevention Corruption Act and Penal Code if the Public Prosecutor satisfy as to how Azmin having an unexplain excessive property.
Diketika itu, kami yang terlibat di dalam penyiasatan merasakan amat pelik dan juga frustrated dengan arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh Datuk Shafee.
Namun saya amat merasakan bagaimana Arwah Basri Idris meneruskan usahanya bagi memperoleh Notis Pengisytiharan Harta itu (limat minit No. 2 bertarikh 20/6/1995) bagi membolehkan siasatan diteruskan untuk memeriksa pengaliran wang dalam akaun-akaun Azmin Ali (quoted as YDS at para 6 of the minutes).
Usaha mendapatkan Notis Berjaya dan lihat Minit-Minit bil 4 – 9 dan Kertas Siasatan dirujuk kepada Datuk Shafee pada 8 Mei 1996.
Rujuk m init 10, lihat bagaimana Datuk Shafee mahu kes ini dirujuk kepada TPM dengan minitnya bertarikh 9/5/1995. Apakah integrity BPR ketika itu di bawah pimpinan beliau yang mana Datuk Shafee sering menekankan integrity di kalangan kami. Akhirnya lihatlah minit bil 15, Kertas Siasatan dikemukakan kepada Datuk Shafee bertarikh 12/9/1996 oleh Dato’ Mohd Zawawi Nordin, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah BPR ketika itu. Beliau secara jelas memberitahu harta Azmin adalah diluar kemampuannya.
Dramatiknya selepas itu, Kertas Siasatan ini terpendam atau dipendam macam jeruk oleh Datuk Shafee atas arahan Anwar Ibrahim. Sehinggalah pada 23/9/1997 (setahun lebih), tiba-tiba Datuk Shafee has violated a law when personally instructed this investigation to be closed. Minit beliau berbunyi (rujuk minit 16) “Telah maklumkan kepada YAB TP” dan beliau menulis “KUS”. Perkataan KUS bermakna Kemas Untuk Simpan. Ia adalah terminology yang digunakan oleh BPR dan Polis apabila suatu siasatan itu telah siap dan tiada tindakan lanjut.
Perbuatan Datuk Shafee ini melanggar undang-undang jenayah di bawah Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan juga Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana beliau tiada hak untuk mengarah suatu siasatan dihentikan melainkan arahan Pendakwaraya. Namun oleh kerana terlalu taksub kepada Anwar Ibrahin he has betray his own agency dan terutamanya Rakyat Malaysia.
Di bawah ini tuan-tuan bolehlah tatapiu pengisytihatan harta secara sukarela Azmin Ali dan di dalam fail siasatan BPR bernombor 15/5/1995 Datuk Shafee telah hilangkan Notis Pengisytiharan Harta dan juga pengisytiharan harta Azmin Ali.
Pengisytiharan harta secara secara sukarela Azmin Ali dapat tuan-tuan baca daripada Fakta kes pegawai Penyiasat yang saya tandakan Lampiran D. Jangan tuan-tuan buta, cek-cek yang masuk dalam akaun Shamsidar sahaja ketika itu sudah melampaui RM7 juta lebih. Seorang sururumah tangga amat kaya dan dikayakan oleh Anwar.
Sebab itu apabila Anuar Shaari memberi dokumen-dokumen pemilikan saham Shamsidar dan Azmin untuk siasatan lanjut, apakah ,masyarkat buta? Saya dapat download dokumen-dokumen itu melalui website dan silalah baca sendiri.
Orang seperti Datuk Shafee telah merendahkan martabat BPR dan lihat peyamun yang diselamatkannya ketika itu menjadi penderhaka kepada Negara. Banyak kerosakan telah dilakukannya. I need not to explain more about this. Hanya orang yang buta, pekak dan tuli akan jadi bahalol dunia seperti Datuk Shafee.
Kes ini melibatkan satu siasatan oleh BPR ke atas Azmin Ali Setiausaha Sulit Datuk Seri Anwar dan isteri Azmin, Shamsida (hanyalah seorang surirumah) pada tahun1995. Siasatan dibuat ke atas Azmin kerana dikatakan mempunyai harta peribadi yang banyak hasil daripada perlakuan rasuah yang dilakukan semasa memegang jawatan Setiausaha Sulit Datuk Seri Anwar pada waktu tersebut. Ketika Anwar adalah Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan juga Menteri Kewangan Malaysia.
Berdasarkan maklumat dan repot polis yang diterima, satu Kertas Siasatan telah dibuka bernombor BPR/KS: Semasa siasatan dibuat mendapati gaji Azmin hanya RM2,442.00 sebulan tetapi mampu untuk membeli 2 buah rumah iaitu rumah pertama:double storey banglow di Setapak harga RM284,118 dengan deposit sebanyak RM14,181 dan bayaran bulanan sebanyak RM3,376.75. Manakala rumah kedua:rumah berkembar di Taman Melawati harga RM210,000 dengan deposit sebanyak RM60,000 dan bayaran bulanan sebanyak RM1,110.35. Jika dicampurkan kedua bayaran bulanan ialah sebanyak lebih kurang RM4,500.00. Ini sahaja dan menunjukkan hutang Azmin melebihi sekali ganda gaji bulanan beliau. Di mana Azmin mendapat wang tambahan untuk menampung bayaran hutang ini?? Bukan itu saja, tak mungkin semua gaji Azmin di gunakan untuk membayar hutang rumah?? Bukankah ini sahaja dah mencukupi menunjukkan Azmin mempunyai pendapatan yang lain. Itu tidak diambil kira lagi dimana Azmin mendapat wang untuk membayar wang deposit rumah-rumah tersebut.
Siasatan yang dijalankan oleh BPR juga membuktikan Azmin memiliki 2 buah kenderaan iaitu BMW no plat BBN 3 berharga RM160,529.85.81 dimana bayaran deposit sebanyak RM120,529 dan bayaran bulanan pula sebanyak RM875 sebulan. Kereta kedua pula Proton Perdana no plat WDU 64 berharga RM80,767.81 dengan ansuran bulanan sebanyak RM700. Jika kita lihat komitmen bulanan bagi kedua kereta ini ialah lebih kurang RM1,700. RM1,700 pada ketika itu nilai yang besar. Mana tak nya klu dilihat gaji setiausaha sulit TPM pun pada masa tu baru RM2 ribu lebih.
Saham yang dimilik oleh Azmin dan isterinya juga umpama seorang bisness man. Cuba kita lihat bagaimana isteri seorang penjawat awam mempunyai saham di dalam pasaran saham dengan nilai keseluruhan melebihi setengah juta. Itu tak termasuk baki-baki didalam akaun bank yang pernah satu ketika mencecah RM300 ribu lebih. Cuba lihat keadaan yang saya nyatakan di atas. Adakah kita mempercayai penjawat awam boleh hidup dengan sedemikian??
Tetapi perkara yang paling membingungkan saya apabila BPR menutup kes ini? Sedangkan memang jelas Azmin dan isterinya mempunyai harta yangberlebihan yang tidak setimpal dengan pendapatannya. MENGAPA SIASATAN BPR DIHENTIKAN? SIAPA YANG MEMPUNYAI KUASA UNTUK MEMBERHENTIKAN SIASATAN INI?? ADAKAH ORANG YANG MEMBERHENTIKAN SIASATAN INI BERSENGKOKOL DENGAN AZMIN ATAUPUN TAKUT KEPADA PEMIMPIN PADA MASA TERSEBUT
Untuk makluman, pada waktu itu Ketu Pengarah BPR adalah Dato Shafee Yahya. Dengan nyata skali KP BPR telah membuat satu keputusan yang tak relevan bilamana menghentikan siasatan ini. Apa sebenarnya yang berlaku? Jika kita tunjukkan perkara ini kepada budak sekolah pun mereka dapat menilai bahawa tak mungkin dengan gaji RM 2 ribu legih sebulan mampu mempunyai gaya hidup mewah seperti Azmin. TETAPI kenapa Dato Shafee menghentikan siasatan ini? ADAKAH kerana bersengkongkol? Favouritism? Mengikut telunjuk pemimpin seperti Kerbau dicucuk hidung? Ataupun sama dah NYANYUK????????
Kite cube renung-renungkan kembali berkaitan dengan perkara ini dan lihatlah lampiran-lampiran yang diupload besama. Ingatlah hidup ini hanya perjalanan yang sementara sahaja. Jangan ingat kita terlepas untuk selama-lamanya.
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