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Tuesday 8 May 2012

K P Samy: Midlands Tamil School hall rates ‘a day-light robbery’

k p samy
For several weeks, opposition controlled Selangor state government boasted their successful completion of Midlands Tamil Scholl, Klang for RM 3 three million and also a multipurpose hall for RM 1.9 million purportedly a model Tamil school for the entire country.

Before the euphoria dies down, the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) members have quickly started a campaign to belittle the achievement. Several allegations have been thrown but yet to show any concrete proof.

MIC central working committee member K P Samy has joined the critics who questioned the exorbitant charges for the multipurpose hall set by the outsourced management.  Apparently, a weekend charge for the hall can go as high as RM 14,000.

“Why the rate (rental) charged is like the rate charged for a five star hotel? Why outsource the hall to the contractor who built it for mere RM 1.3 million with RM 600,000 donations from the public?” said K P Samy.
K P Samy further said that he does not see the justifications for outsourcing the facility for 15 years, and strongly believes the school will not benefit under the current terms.

“The residents in the surrounding area of Midlands are not rich. It’s really pathetic for people to spent huge amount for weddings when it was said that the hall was built for the people”.
K P Samy called the state government to explain the ‘day light robbery’.

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