Raja Petra Kamarudin
What amazes me is the manner in which Malaysia Today’s readers react to anyone who writes something not favourable to the opposition. Whether they are from the New Straits Times, The Star,
or whatever, if they were to write anything that is perceived as not
complimentary to the opposition or complimentary to the government, this
writer would get called a bitch, prostitute, arsehole, bastard,
cock-sucker, mother-fucker, and worse.
sometimes I purposely post opinion pieces from these ‘pro-government’
writers to test your reaction. I want to see what you would do and say.
And most times you would do and say exactly as predicted. You would
immediately go into a rage and curse, mock and vilify these people.
have zero tolerance for any opinion that goes against your stand. And
you make this known by posting a most foul comment in response to this
opinion. There are just not enough words in the English language to
enable you to describe how you feel. The most favoured word, of course,
is prostitute, but not limited to just that one word.
is also quite comical when I post articles regarding Christianity and
the hard-core Christians suddenly crawl out from the woodwork like
maggots feeding on a carcass. From nowhere these Christians would appear
and lecture us about how Christianity is a religion of love, how we
must love the sinner but hate the sin, how Christianity is a better
religion than the other religions because by accepting Jesus your soul
is saved, how Jesus died for our sins, and so on.
these same ‘love the sinner but hate the sin’ people will foam at the
mouth and demonstrate hate against anyone who expresses support for the
government or criticises the opposition. I suppose you are now going to
tell me that all those who posted hate comments are not Christians but
Hindus and Buddhists and that this shows what low quality people Hindus
and Buddhists are. Or maybe they are Muslims pretending to be
I find that the Christians are
the most hypocritical people on earth. Not that the Muslims are any
better, mind you. But at least the Muslims say 'hate the sinner' and not 'love the sinner' like the Christians.
fact, in the first place, these writers are not even sinners, at least
not in the religious sense. All they did was to write something that is
opposite to your political inclination. And already they get whacked to
kingdom come. Is it such a sin to express a political opinion opposite
to yours? We will probably have to wait until Jesus comes back to earth
to find out.
Do you think you can continue
to do and this and get away with it? Do you think that at one point of
time something is not going to break? The law of physics tells us that
anything you stretch to the limit will certainly eventually break.
I have almost given up trying to talk to some of you. My current attitude is: biarkan.
You can continue believing what you would like to believe if that makes
you happy. After all, what do I get by telling you the truth? Is it
worth being cursed, mocked and vilified? Better I just stand back and
watch and come dinnertime on Polling Day I can write my “I told you so”
article. Then I can end that article with padan muka!
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