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Sunday 22 April 2012

Dataran occupiers released on police bail

Earlier a magistrate refused to give remand order against Umar and instructed the police to complete investigations by today.

KUALA LUMPUR: The authorities this morning moved to get rid of the activists camping at the historic Dataran Merdeka by dismantling their tents and arresting two Occupy Dataran activists.

The Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) started to dismantle the tents belonging to the activists at 8am.

Shortly after that the police arrested activists Fahmi Reza and Umar Mohd Azmi.

Both Fahmi and Umar were taken to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters. Statements were taken from both of them, and Fahmi was released on police bail, without conditions, at about 3pm.

It is believed that DBKL, and not the police, who would be preferring charges against Fahmi.

Umar meanwhile was released on police bail three hours later, at about 6pm. He was investigated under the Penal Code and the DBKL by-laws.

“Umar is required to be present in Jalan Duta court tomorrow at 9am even though the deputy public prosecutor has not decided to press charges against him,” said lawyer Afiq M Noor via Twitter.

A magistrate had earlier denied the police a remand order to keep Umar beyond today. The police have been told to wrap up investigations againts Umar by today.

Both the activists have headed straight to Dataran Merdeka to join the other Dataran occupiers who had said that they would not be forced out.

Occupiers standing firm

Earlier this morning, the scenario at Dataran Merdeka was chaotic with the actions of the DBKL enforcement personnel and the arrest of the two.

“I was not told why I was being arrested,” Occupy Dataran organisers tweeted, quoting Fahmi.

The Occupy Dataran activists also vowed not to move away from Dataran Merdeka despite the DBKL taking away their tents.

Infact, the organisers urged people to come to Dataran Merdeka to show support for their cause.

“We need mass mobilization at #occupydataran turun ke dataran merdeka juga!” said their tweet feed.

They also urged people to go to the Dang Wangi police station to protest against the arrest of the Fahmi and Umar.

“If the two occupiers aren’t release after the PC (at 11.30am), we are going to organise a flashmob in front of IPD Dang Wangi,” said another tweet from the organisers.

‘They want to separate us’

FMT learnt that Fahmi and Umar wore face masks at the police station as a sign of protest against their arrests (photo left).

Fahmi had also tweeted to say that the cops were planning to take Umar to the Jinjang police station, which they did some hours later.

“They want to separate us,” he said.

He also said that they were mocked and ridiculed by the police, adding that they were kept at the 9th floor of the district police HQ.

He added that their lawyers were refused to be present with them. However two lawyers – bringing mee goreng with them – were later allowed to see Fahmi and Umar

“U can prison an occupier, but U can’t prison our peaceful occupation. Please continue to #occupydataran & defend our right to public space,” he added in another tweet.

Remand order denied

Lawyer Syahredzan Johan, who met Fahmi and Umar at the police station, told FMT that Umar was being investigated under Section 186 of the Penal Code for obstructing a public servant on duty.

An offence under this section carries a sentence of two years’ imprisonment or fine upto RM10,000 or both. Umar is also facing a charge of building a structure on site, an offence under the DBKL’s by-laws.

Fahmi is expected to be investigated for the same offences. However Syahredzan said that neither have been charged as yet.

“No one is being charged. I am with my clients now,” he told FMT earlier today.

Umar, who will be celebrating his 23th birthday tomorrow, was then taken to the Jinjang police station at about 1.15pm, apparently for his remand hearing.

However Syahredzan, who was at the Jinjang police station, said the police were asked to complete their investigations by today and release Umar on a police bail.

“A remand order as sought by the police has been denied by the magistrate. The police have also been instructed to release Umar on police bail today and produce him in court tomorrow,” he told FMT.

Another lawyer, Azira Aziz, who is with Fahmi at the Dang Wangi station, said the police have yet to inform Fahmi on any investigations against him.

The lawyers also confirmed that they were not allowed to be with Fahmi and Umar when their statements were being recorded.

Later at about 3pm, the lawyers tweeted to state that Fahmi has been released on a police bail, with no conditions.

Taken for discussion

Earlier Azira told FMT that she was told that Fahmi and Umar were being taken in “for a discussion”.

“They were initially detained by the DBKL enforcement unit and then by the police.

“DBKL personnel told me that Fahmi and Umar were arrested for obstructing civil servants,” she said.

She added that both the activists were unharmed when they were detained.

“I was told that they have been brought to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters ‘for a discussion’,” added Azira.

According to eye-witnesses, Fahmi was seated when he was arrested while Umar was taken in for pulling Fahmi back during the arrest.

The Dataran occupiers have been camping in Dataran Merdeka since last week, urging for the right to reclaim public spaces and to practise participatory democracy. This morning DBKL took down at least 40 of their 62 tents.

Meanwhile more DBKL personnel and trucks had arrived at Dataran Merdeka since this morning. They had been joined by the Civil Defence unit as well. DBKL has also set up a mobile office at Dataran.

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