They contribute toward the cost of having security guards man gates to their housing estates, all fenced in.
It’s a security thing.
Participating in this security measure with ones neighbours, though, in no way amounts to surrender of the privacy and one’s sovereignty over one’s home and all that’s in it.
That’s the same with Sabah and Sarawak’s agreement with Malaya and Singapore to form the federation of Malaysia.
Almost 49 years ago, 0n 9th July, 1963, the United Kingdom, the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo ( now called Sabah ), Sarawak and Singapore entered into an agreement that gave rise to the formation of the Federation of Malaysia.
Collateral to the agreement of 1963 and related to the issue of what precisely was agreed between the parties thereto are two documents : a 20-point agreement relating to Sabah and an 18-point agreement relating to Sarawak.
I learnt from forums in Sabah and Sarawak in 2010 that the terms of that agreement had not been faithfully given effect to, denying Sabahans and Sarawakians the fullest benefit of independence from the U.K.
I have since come to understand that the formation of the federation of Malaysia never intended or envisaged that Singapore and the independent nation states of North Borneo ( now Sabah ) and Sarawak were to be subsumed and stand as the 12th, 13th and 14th states of the new federation, thus adding to the 11 states in the federation of Malaya.
Rather, the then federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak had agreed to come together and, without any loss or reduction in their respective status as independent sovereign nations, form the federation of Malaysia as equal nation-state partners within that new federation.
Clause 3 of the 20-point agreement, which relates to Sabah, states : Whilst accepting that the present Constitution of the Federation of Malaya should form the basis of the Constitution of Malaysia, the Constitution of Malaysia should be a completely new document drafted and agreed in the light of a free association of states and should not be a series of amendments to a Constitution drafted and agreed by different states in totally different circumstances.
The full text of the 20-point agreement can be viewed HERE.
As we all know, this clause has never been adhered to.
The Constitution of 1957 was intended for application in the federation of Malaya, and details the sharing and distribution of powers of governance, being that of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, between the 11 states and the federal authority.
The 1957 constitution represented the social contract, if you will, of the 11 states that had, with a view to obtaining independence from the British, agreed to come together to form one nation, the federation of Malaya and, in so doing, had agreed to surrender much of their respective powers to the federal authority.
Such a constitution clearly would not be appropriate for the entity that was sought to be created in 1963 where, the member states were intended to retain their sovereign and independent nation-state status.
Somewhat like our gated communities here.
What has instead happened, in my view, is the surreptitious subsuming of Sabah and Sarawak into the Federation of Malaya as the 12th and 13th states.
As long as Sabah and Sarawak continue to be made subject to the constitution of 1957, the reality will be that the federation of Malaysia will be no more than a renaming of the federation of Malaya, save that 2 more states will have been added to the original 11.
In my view, it serves the interests of the people of Sabah and Sarawak that both Sabah and Sarawak be now recognised as the 2nd and 3rd nation-states, sovereign and independent, with full and untrammelled rights to all the God-given natural resources within their respective jurisdiction for their respective people, within the federation of Malaysia, and to press for the honouring of the promise of the new constitution.
Such a move would enable a more realistic federal-nation state divide of powers to be put in place, that would return greater autonomy to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.
Pakatan Rakyat’s provisions in their Buku Jingga fall well short of this. See for yourself.
Am I right in my understanding of what was intended in the formation of Malaysia in 1963?
Clause 18 of the 20-point agreement in relation to Sabah postulates that the head of state was to be called ‘Yang DiPertua Negara‘.
Not ‘Negeri’.
Telling, don’t you think?
I think we in Malaya owe it to the people of Sabah and Sarawak to get to the truth of what was agreed in 1963 and to insist that that which was agreed be honoured by a new non-BN federal government post the 13th GE.
To this end, I propose that such a new federal government, upon taking office, immediately establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry, to be made of of man and women who command the confidence of the people of Sabah and Sarawak, with the following terms of reference :
- to look into the Malaysia Agreement, 1963, the 18 / 20 point agreements and all relevant circumstances surrounding the formation of Malaysia to discover its true spirit and intent, particularly in regard to the status and position of Sabah and Sarawak, and to report the same to the rakyat and His Majesty;
- to investigate and identify those responsible for subverting the true and spirit and intent of the formation of Malaysia, and to report the same to the rakyat and His Majesty; and
- to advise the rakyat and His Majesty as to the course of action to take to give full and immediate effect to the spirit and intent of the formation of Malaysia, particularly in regard to the status and position of Sabah and Sarawak.
Sukar dijangkakan adakah non-BN parties mampu menerajui pucuk pimpinan negara???
Banyak perkara yang berlaku menyebabkan timbulnya ketidakpuasan hati rakyat. Entah kerajaan sedar atau tak dengan senario ini.
Kalaupun kerajaan sedar, entah mampukah tak kerajaan memenuhi kehendak rakyat???
PRU13 bakal menjelang bila2 masa saja. Jadi semua pihak haruslah bersiap sedia dan buatlah keputusan yang terbaik.
Selebihnya, sama-samalha kita doakan yang terbaik buat negeri dan negara kita:)
It is important all voters to choose wisely in the next general election, the country needs a proven administration to deal with domestic, regional and global issues. Don't give the country away to the wrong hands because you will be in trouble. Govt had worked through many domestic, regional and global issues and these translated into social and economic development for the country.
The Government is making continuous efforts to ensure that people's lives are comfortable and assist those still in grasp of poverty to better themselves. the government is continuously addressing the problem through various programs such as a cooperatives, agropolitan and 1Azam programmes.
kerajaan harus teruskan fokus pada hal2 dan kebajikan rakyat.
reject semua parti politik Asalkan Bukan UMNO.. see, berubah sudah maksud dia..
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman attests that the good relationship between the state and the federal governments is key towards the many benefits that Sabah enjoys.
According to Musa, development is done widespread across Sabah, whether it is in the city or in the rural areas without discrimination towards anybody, adding that the Barisan National (BN) government is always pressing on educational development.
He added that the BN’s sincerity is proof that it is the only party that can and will defend the rights of its people as compared to the opposition whose empty promises cannot live up to what BN has been doing all along.
“This progress is not only focused on infrastructure development but also a genuine effort to prepare other various initiatives such as the People’s Aid 1Malaysia (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) (BR1M), the People’s 1Malaysia Store (Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia), 1Malaysia Clinic, Karisma, and many others.
“All of this is for the people, especially those with low income. As they say, ‘ada ubi ada batas, ada budi kita akan balas’ (a good deed deserves another)… I am confident that the BN government will receive continued support based on its sincerity and concern towards helping all ethnicity,” said Musa.
Musa, who is also State Finance Minister said he is not embarrassed to request large allocations from the federal government for the sake of the state’s development to rival other states.
May the best man win during the next general elections. The Sabahans and Sarawakians must make the right choice.
The competing parties must do their best to win the people's votes and support before the next GE commence.
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