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Sunday 18 March 2012

Call for harsher laws to prevent crime against kids

The Star

KUALA TERENGGANU: The Child Act should be revised to include the harshest punishments against child murderers, rapists and those who commit violent crimes against children, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said.

The Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation vice-chairman said it was high time the Act was amended to allow stiffer punishment for those who committed crimes against children.

“I feel there is more that can be done to deter those who victimise children.

“Cases of rape and violence against children as well as baby-dumping have become more rampant, so the Government must send a clear message to the perpetrators,” he said yesterday.

On the cold-blooded murder of five-year-old Nurul Nadhirah Abdullah, Lee said it was time for the police to focus on crimes against children instead of wayside robberies and other crimes.

“Top priority must be given to the safety of children as we want them to grow up and lead successful lives instead of being robbed of a future,” he said.

Lee also called upon neighbourhood watch groups to place priority on the safety of children.

“To prevent violence against children, the community must cooperate as well.

“The watch groups can look out for ‘lost’ children and child predators,” he said.

Lee said educato

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