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Friday 3 February 2012

Acid attack on Hindu Girl by disappointed Muslim Love Jehadi in Mumbai.

Aarti a Hindu girl again victimized by a suspected Love Jihadi,Pintoo Sheikh through a latest acid attack in Mumbai.

Police nabs Muslim youth who threw acid on a Hindu girl’s face.

Mumbai, Feb 1 (IANS) The railway police Wednesday arrested a youth for throwing acid on a girl’s face at a suburban railway station here, an officer said.

“The accused, identified as Pintoo Sheikh, has been arrested by the railway police. He had thrown acid on the victim, identified as Aarti Thakur, at Goregaon railway station (in northwest Mumbai) yesterday (Tuesday),” an officer at the Borivli Railway Police Station told IANS.

A case of attempt to murder has been registered against the accused.

The incident occurred a little before 7 p.m. Tuesday when Aarti was talking on her cellphone at the railway station and Pintoo sneaked in and threw the acid on her face. She was admitted to a private hospital for treatment of her burn injuries.

Hindu Existence adds: Perhaps that Muslim zealot Pintoo Sheikh had targeted innocent (ignorance about barbaric teaching of Quran to capture the non-Muslim Girls as ganimaat) Hindu girl Aarti for an approachable time and reacted in a way of a devout Muslim after getting disappointment, frustration, greed or unfulfilled lust. My requests all Hindu girls to be alert after realizing the consequences of the above. We pray to God for a speedy recovery of Aarti. Hindu Girls and Women please learn self-defence and martial art. Keep a Kirpan with you. Wahe Guruji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guruji ki Fateh. My earnest request to all my Hindu-Sikh-Buddhist-Other parents to refrain their daughters to fall prey with the suspected Love Jihadists and Muslim guys who generally possess threatening behavior to our children.

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