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Saturday 3 December 2011

Umno People: Najib's Reminder To Those Who Forgot About Umno's Struggles

By Ahmad Shukran Shaharudin

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 2 (Bernama) -- In just six days, not once, but twice had Umno President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak reminded Umno members to become Umno people.

The first time was during a special interview with Bernama last Saturday and the second time was during his policy speech at the opening of the 2011 Umno General Assembly Thursday.

In his speech, Najib talked about the struggles of Umno people since the party's inception in 1946, including the decision made by the founder of Umno, Datuk Onn Jaafar, to quit the party in 1951 and the transition of power from Tunku Abdul Rahman to Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

Even more than that, Najib, who had taken over the party' and the government's leadership in 2009, also underlined three elements to be upheld to become Umno people, namely loyalty, love for the party and the willingness to serve and sacrifice for the party.

The motive? That is for Umno people to think, both implicit and explicitly.

Cheras Umno chief Datuk Syed Ali Al-Habshee said what was wanted by the president was to have Umno people who would sacrifice their all for the party in its struggles to defend Islam, the Malays and the country.

"Umno members or Umno people must always uphold the principles of truth, trust and Umno's struggles.

"Umno people are the people who had been empowering the nation. The spirit must be preserved as requested by the president," said Syed Ali, who is also Federal Territories Umno Liaison Committee secretary.

For Umno leaders at the grassroot level like Datuk Mohamed Soffi Abdul Razak from Lipis, Pahang, Umno people would "read" the message with regards to the 13th general election, which would determine the direction of Islam, the Malays, the country and the party.

"Although he did not make any clear statement on election, but the speech focused mainly on the party's struggles in facing the next general election.

"Every election is important, but the next general election will be the one that will determine how strong the government will be and which parties are supporting it," he said.

Mohamed Soffi, who is also Benta assemblyman, said although Najib's message was conveyed to Umno members, it was indirectly extended to "Umno people" outside the party.

"They are also "Umno people". They may not be registered Umno members, but they had been there for Umno, supported Umno and had helped Umno. These people are categorised as Umno sympathiser.

"They are better than those in the party but had secretly supported the opposition," he added.

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