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Friday 18 November 2011

My three reasons for not supporting Pakatan

By Raj Dewi,

I write to inform you all that I have decided not to support Pakatan Rakyat on three very important grounds.

First of all, as a civil servant, my ricebowl is at stake since DAP leader Tony Pua has announced that Pakatan will cut nearly 40 percent of jobs in the civil service.

Opposition Anwar Ibrahim has said it is not true. But DAP and its top leaders have not denied Pua's statement.

Compared with the BN under PM Najib Abdul Razak which has extended the civil servants' tenure to age 60 and gave much monetary benefits to civil servants, DAP wants to sack 40 percent of us!

How can we civil servants support such a party. If what Anwar said is true and what Pua said is not true, then to show their sincerity, DAP must apologise to civil servants publicly, and promise not to field Pua as candidate for the 13th general election.

Otherwise, we will campaign against DAP candidates.

Secondly, PAS is insisting on achieving its Islamic state with the implementation of hudud. Can Christians honestly support Pakatan in view of this.

Even Anwar Ibrahim has publicly supported hudud. It is too risky for Christians to support PAS, unless the party publicly promises that it will not implement Islamic law when Pakatan comes to power.

DAP leaders like Lim Guan Eng has been defending PAS, and keeping quiet on the various PAS actions like banning a cinema in Bangi, and calling for the banning of the Elton John concert.
We cannot support Pakatan as it is too dangerous.

Thirdlly, the credibility of many Pakatan candidates is questionable.
There are still DAP people who object to wearing songkok at official functions, although they are prepared to wear hats and Japanese baseball caps.

When Selangor Assemblyperson Hannah Yeoh wore tudung during Hari Raya, she was attacked by DAP leaders and members.

Also, DAP leaders are not that clean after all, they practise cronyism and nepotism, and some are corrupt too.
DAP says they champion human rights and press freedom, yet Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng bans Malay daily Utusan Malaysia in his state.
How can Christians support these hypocrites. For us, it is better to stay with BN which has shows that it can change and will give us a good life.

Pakatan just talks and never delivers. DAP does not even care for the veteran leaders who build up the party, now that upstarts like Pua have come in and taken over.

For these three important reasons, I urge all Christians to stop supporting Pakatan.
All civil servants should also protest against DAP, especially to kick out Pua, who is out to break our ricebowls.

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