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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Suhakam begins interviews over July 9 rally allegations

The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Suhakam has begun interviewing witnesses for its public inquiry into allegations of human rights violations and excessive use of force by the authorities during the illegal Bersih rally on July 9.

In an update to the public, its chair Tan Sri Hasmy Agam said as at Aug 15, the national human rights institution had completed perusal of the public submissions it had received in the form of documents, statements and video recordings as of the Aug 5 deadline.

“We have identified the witnesses to be interviewed and commenced the interview process,” he said.

“We have written to the police requesting the cooperation of police personnel on duty on July 9 to be interviewed.”

He said the panel inquiry would be chaired by Suhakam vice-chair Prof Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee and assisted by fellow commissioners Prof Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Abdul Majid and Detta Samen.

Hasmy said the number of witnesses for the inquiry would be determined once the interviews were completed.

Where required, he added, Suhakam would issue subpoenas to relevant witnesses, including members of the public, the media and the police.

Hasmy also said the commissioner would be inviting observers to the hearings.

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