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Saturday 6 August 2011

Bolivia: Akta baru yang memberi hak kepada Alam Semulajadi

Bolivia telah meluluskan rang undang-undang yang memberi hak asasi kepada Alam Semulajadi.
Sila rujuk ke rencana ini di laman Aliran:
The law would give nature legal rights, specifically the rights to life and regeneration, biodiversity, water, clean air, balance, and restoration. Bolivia’s law mandates a fundamental ecological reorientation of Bolivia’s economy and society, requiring all existing and future laws to adapt to the Mother Earth law and accept the ecological limits set by nature. It calls for public policy to be guided by Sumaj Kawsay or Vivir Bien (an indigenous concept meaning “living well,” or living in harmony with nature and people), rather than the current focus on producing more goods and stimulating consumption.
In practical terms, the law requires the government to make a transition from non-renewable to renewable energy; to develop new economic indicators that will assess the ecological impact of all economic activity; to carry out ecological audits of all private and state companies; to regulate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; to develop policies of food and renewable energy sovereignty; to research and invest resources in energy efficiency, ecological practices, and organic agriculture; and to require all companies and individuals to be accountable for environmental contamination with a duty to restore damaged environments.
The law will be backed up by a new Ministry of Mother Earth, an inter-Ministry Advisory Council, and an Ombudsman. Undarico Pinto, leader of the 3.5 million-strong campesino movement CSUTCB, which helped draft the law, believes this legislation represents a turning point in Bolivian law: “Existing laws are not strong enough. This will make industry more transparent. It will allow people to regulate industry at national, regional, and local levels.”
See the profound respect, even reverence, that certain far-sighted nations bestow on Nature?
Apa yang menghalang kami dari mengikut contoh ini?
P.S. As you can see, I am trying to reach out to more people by using some Malay. My bahasa is not the best around(!), so any corrections would be much appreciated. You may leave these corrections in the comments space below.

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