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Wednesday 6 July 2011

The stadium it is…

Bersih 2.0 has agreed to hold its rally in a stadium after an audience with the Agong.
This seeming compromise gives the government a headache.

People are waiting to hear which stadium… Merdeka Stadium? Bukit Jalil? … and they will watching to see if the cops will assist people to get to the atadium or hinder them.

And now that Bersih has been “recognised” as an NGO coalition campaigning for clean and fair elections – what about the Home Minister’s declaration that Bersih is an “illegal” organisation?

And how are the authorities going to react to yellow ‘Bersih’ T-shirts in the light of the latest development?

Now that the PM has conceded to the use of a stadium … it logically must mean that the event is now deemed to be legitimate.

Logically too, that means all those detained in recent days for Bersih-related activities must be immediately and unconditionally released and all charges dropped.

And how will the government and the Election Commission respond to those eight Bersih demands?
Towards clean and fair elections!

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