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Friday 8 July 2011

Police To Detain Anyone Who Participates In Illegal Rally

KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 (Bernama) -- Police will arrest anyone who participates in any illegal rally planned for Saturday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar warned.

There would be no exception, he said, adding that the organiser of the rally, Bersih 2.0, had been declared an unlawful organisation.

"It is clear that it is not a registered organisation. They can apply for permit using other name and we will consider their request. The government has given them the opportunity (to hold the rally indoor); they should utilise it properly," he told a news conference at Bukit Aman police headquarters, here.

Ismail said the district police chief would look into the application before referring it to the management of the place where the gathering would be held.

In the case of the rally planned by Bersih at the Merdeka Stadium, here, he said the stadium's management had yet to approve any application for the purpose.

The organiser was previously reported to be planning to hold the rally at the stadium.

It had yet to submit any application for permit to hold the rally, however, claiming that it was not necessary because the government had given its green light for the group to gather at a stadium and not in the streets.

Ismail said that even if the rally was issued with permit, police would still arrest those who created trouble and undermined public order.

"This is important to safeguard the interest of the society who wants to see peace prevails.

"I called her (rally organiser Datuk S. Ambiga) Thursday and reminded her about the importance of maintaining public safety and asked her to abide by the law, even more so that she is a lawyer," Ismail said.

"But she seems adamant. I also remind her to apply for a permit and that she has to obtain permission from premises owner (where the rally is to be held)," he said.

Meanwhile, Ismail said he would leave it to the Sentul OCPD to consider whether to give a permit for the gathering planned by Malay rights group, Perkasa.

Perkasa announced that it planned to organise a "Gerak Aman" gathering on Saturday.

Its president, Datuk Ibrahim Ali, told Bernama through a text message today that it had applied for a permit from the Sentul police.

Ismail also denied allegations that the police would work with telecommunication companies to disrupt telecommunication lines and the Internet on Saturday.

"This is a serious allegation. Don't listen to this; I will not hesitate to bring to court those who spread this allegation. Please don't make the situation any worse than it is now," he said.

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