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Friday 29 July 2011

Malaysia To Assist Muslims In Cambodia

From Rhoma Ahmad Razali

PHNOM PENH, July 28 (Bernama) -- Malaysia will provide aid to the Muslim community in Cambodia through a micro-credit system to facilitate the community to obtain loans for business.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the system to be established would be similar to the Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, a joint-venture between Malaysia's non-governmental organization, Yayasan Restu with Cambodian Islamic Development Foundation.

"I have discussed with Othsman Hassan, the President of the foundation to create a system with a capital of USD1 million (RM3.2 million) and we are looking for sponsors.

"I have also discussed with Yayasan Restu President, Datuk Abdul Latiff Mirasa so that the building of the Cambodian Yayasan Restu is made the office for its operation," he said when speaking at the opening of the Cambodian Yayasan Restu office here Thursday.

He said to ensure that the desired objectives are met, a few individuals from the local Muslim community have been identified and will be brought to Malaysia to learn and manage the system.

He said with the system in place, it was hoped it would help the Muslim community, especially those from the low income group, to start small business to empower their living standard.

Towards this, Abdul Latiff said Yayasan Restu in Cambodia would ensure the Muslim community was assisted and received appropriate support.

He said the organization's office here would be a centre for training and to gain knowledge on culture and Islam.

"By studying the community's culture here, Yayasan Restu will help train the youths and adults seek more profound knowledge of their culture and the teaching of Islam," he said.

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