Useful (and paid) idiots: what did they think was going to happen? Israel border 'protestors' carry injured demonstrator
Nothing new there, then:Protestors at northern Israel border promised $1,000 reward by Assad’s regime, Reform Party of Syria claims; Israeli officials: Damascus encouraged rioters. Syria says IDF killed 23 people, wounded 350; army says figures inflated
Israeli officials later reinforced the claims, accusing the Syrian regime of encouraging protests along the northern border.
Sunday’s riots were an attempt “to divert attention away from the massacre in Syria,” one official charged. “The Syrians will be held accountable for these events.”
Late Sunday, Syrian officials claimed that 23 people were killed and 350 were wounded after the IDF fired at protestors aiming to rush the border fence earlier in the day. However, the army dismissed the figures, claiming that they were inflated.
Washington-based members of the Reform Party of Syria said intelligence sources close to the Syrian government in Lebanon informed them that the protesters on the Syrian side of the Druze community of Majdal Shams were in fact poverty-stricken farmers paid by the Assad regime.
State department calls on sides to exercise restraint as protestors declare they plan on staging sit-down near fence throughout the night
According to the sources, the farmers migrated over the last few years from drought-stricken northeast Syria to the south. They reached the Israel-Syria border on Sunday in the aims of reenact “Nakba Day” events, the sources said.
The Syrian opposition group claimed that each farmer was promised $1,000 for showing up at the rally and $10,000 to their families if they are killed by IDF fire.
According to the report, the average salary of a Syrian citizen is about $200 per month, meaning that participation in Sunday’s demonstration could provide a protester and his family with five months worth of financial relief.
Surprisingly (it must have been inadvertently), the Guardian revealed the paid protester scam a couple of weeks ago in eariler border incidents:
But, despite the uncomfortable truth, yesterday the biased mainstream media were crowing in unison; headlining the inevitable consequences, concealing the cause:
In the morally-inverted world of the political and media élites and the anti-Israel industry they sustain, it seems it’s OK for baby-faced mass murderer Bashar Assad to divert attention away from the atrocities he is committing against his own people; whilst they persist in admonishing Israel for doing exactly what any other country would do – legally defend her borders from attack – and yes, with lethal force if necessary.
It’s just one more example of the oldest trick in the Arab book – deliberately place their own people in harm’s way then wave the corpses around as examples of ‘Zionist agression’.
Yet instead of pointing out the staggeringly bizarre irony of this – and that of ‘Palestinians’ and Arabs ‘protesting’ against a war their forbears started in the first place – and lost – the lazy, credulous ‘journalists’ of the world’s media, preferring it would seem to heap blame on the righteous; fall for Pallywood scams such as this time after time.
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