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Friday 24 June 2011

DPM Reminds Youths Not To Join Illegal Demonstration On July 9

PAGOH, June 23 (Bernama) -- Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin Thursday reminded the nation's youths not to join the illegal street demonstrations planned by a group of trouble-makers on July 9.

He also reminded them not to fall for calls to join the illegal street demonstrations made over the telephone and the short-messaging system (SMS).

"Do not get involved...the planned street demonstrations are against the law," he told the "Belia 1Malaysia Parlimen Pagoh" gathering here.

Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister and the MP for Pagoh, said youths would be better off using the time to improve themselves and helping society.

He also told the gathered youths that although Pagoh was considered a rural constituency, it was developing rapidly since the last several years and invited them to play their part in ensuring it became the most advanced area in the Muar district.

At the function, Muhyiddin also announced an allocation of RM3,000 for each of the 96 youth organisations in the constituency and that plans were afoot to build a motorsports centre for its youths.

Later, when opening Pagoh MCA's annual general meeting in Panchor near here, he said plans to develop a 1,000-hectare site in Pagoh into an education hub would be implemented before year end with completion expected in two or three years.

With a number of universities to make the hub their home including a branch campus of the International Islamic University, Malaysia (IIUM), besides polytechnics and vocational schools, it would serve as a new growth area for Pagoh, he said, adding that private universities had also been invited to set up branch campuses there.

On another matter, Muhyiddin, who is also Barisan Nasional (BN) deputy chairman, expressed concern that Malaysians were becoming easily offended when race-related issues cropped up especially with certain quarters out to sow racial discord.

"I fear the foundation of inter-racial harmony built by our forefathers has started to weaken. This is not a good trend. To avoid this we must go back to our earlier struggle," he said.

He also urged MCA members to continue supporting the party as it had risen up again to be the voice of the Chinese community.

In SLIM RIVER, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the ministry would leave it to the police to act against university students who joined the July 9 illegal street demonstrations.

As the demonstrations did not have police permits, university students would have to face the consequences if they broke the law, he told reporters after opening a students outreach programme at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pos Bersih in Ulu Slim, near Slim River.

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