But in the post Hindraf Rally, Malaysians started wanting to speak the truth, began speaking the truth and today websites, blogs, e-mails are directly attacking UMNO who are the real power ruling Malaysia but which has been hiding behind BN umbrella.
We uncovered for all to see the real enemy for all Malaysians – Umno, the rest being their mandores (henchmen) who are only to be dismissed contemptuously!
Hindraf had to pay the ultimate price. Four Hindraf lawyers including P. Uthayakumar were detained without trial under the ISA for 514 days. Hundreds of Hindraf supporters were arrested, jailed and prosecuted. Thereafter we had continued almost solo in fighting UMNO racism, Malay muslim supremacy and religious extremism as reported and documented on a day to day basis in www.humanrightspartmalaysia.com
And then we had the likes of Anwar Ibrahim, his supporters and the Indian elite apologists who argued that UMNO racism cannot be fought with “Indian racism.”
But today history was created when the Chinese Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH), LLG Cultural Development Centre, Malaysian-China Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Chinese Associations Johor, the Penang Chinese Town Hall and 40 others, including the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST), Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) and several Indian organisations, joined Hindraf and HRP in actually “challenging Malay supremacy (Malay Mail 30/3/2011) and (UMNO) Interlok as racist.
We have certainly come a long way!
UMNO still refuse to see the warning signs from the Middle East, the latest being in Syria, and is riding rough shot with impunity with their day to day acts of racism, and targeted at the softest target Indian poor, the worst hit who are the most likely to the spark that lights the Malaysian prairie fire.
Rights not Mercy.
P. Uthayakumar
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