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Friday 4 March 2011

PAS' Promise Of Heaven Preposterous, Says Jamil Khir

TEMERLOH, 3 Mac (Bernama) -- Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom has described as preposterous PAS' claim that voters who supported the party would be promised heaven while those who backed Barisan Nasional would face the God's wrath.

"We always pray and hope that they (PAS) will repent and return to the true teachings of Islam," he told reporters during his campaign trail in Felda Jengka 23 near here Thursday night.

Jamil Khir also joined Jengka 23 settlers at a tahlil worship and Yasin recitation before speaking at a ceramah in Jengka 25.

He said second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein left a legacy to the people, including Felda which had given a future to the poor from all over the country.

"Decades of planning have enabled the forest to be cleared for Felda settlers to move in and toil the land. The land scheme had made a big impact on settlers as they get together to enjoy a good life here (Felda)," said Jamil Khir.

He said Razak's vision would be continued by his son, Datuk Seri Najib, who was inspired by

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