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Wednesday 30 March 2011

GTP Report: Positive But Government Ready To Face Opposition's Fact Twisting - Muhyiddin

KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 (Bernama) -- Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said positive feedback from the International Performance Review Committee on the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) was proof of the government's credibility in implementing what had been outlined.

He said the move to obtain confirmation from international experts before announcing the GTP Annual Report 2010 last Sunday, was also to prepare the government for fact twisting by the opposition, including by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang who said the GTP Report was merely rhetoric.

"We know the opposition will twist the facts, but what is important is for them to peruse and assess the annual report which touches on many matters. If they look carefully at one thing after another, they will know what are the achievements."

Muhyiddin was speaking to reporters after a gathering with youth, non-governmental organisation, federal village security and development committee and Rela leaders in Ampang, near here, in conjunction with his one-day visit to Selangor.

The International Performance Review Committee acknowledged that the GTP had achieved success that was beyond expectation after all the six National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) met the targets set.

The committee, comprising individuals from various backgrounds and with different expertise at the international level, also acknowledged that the GTP had spurred real transformation that could and would be experienced by the people in the future, while the government had achieved awesome targets in the first year of the GTP.

They also praised the existence of a monitoring and progress reviewing system at all levels of government including the prime ministerial level, gave positive feedback on the NKRAs in improving the performance of students and low-income households, and in combating corruption and reducing crime.

Muhyiddin said although the people had not fully felt the impact of the transformation carried out, the government had ways to assess its effectiveness.

"Our transformation efforts will not stop here but will continue, and we hope the impact will be felt even more next year."

He stressed that all the programmes drawn up by the government were based on facts and in the interest of the people; different from the opposition's manifesto through its Orange Book, which he said was more of a political gimmick.

"If the people are hoodwinked, they (opposition) may win (elections) but whether they can implement (the Orange Book manifesto), is another matter to them. To me, the Orange Book is not a good plan or approach, and can have adverse effects on the country," he said.

On his new responsibility of leading the GTP until 2012, the last year of its implementation, Muhyiddin said he would continue to monitor every level of the NKRAs to ensure the programme's success.

He said the government also targeted for the GTP's achievement to be better next year than this year's.

1 comment:

Common Malaysian said...

The Prime Minister is attempting to put the nation’s transformation on accelerated speed leading to the ultimate vision of achieving a high income nation status.

At the grass root, the people are feeling changes with better housing, electricity, water, roads. More connectivity for public transportation in the urban area. As for the next layer of the community, the promise of crime reduction, more conviction and lesser corruption is a huge relief from the regular experiences.

There definitely needs to be more areas that should be observed further from here. Especially in the areas of education, where the government is trying to create an equal environment for early education and offer a chance for our children to be competitive globally, the effort should be followed up all the way to the higher education. Similarly all the NKRAs should have a proper follow up and long term plan in place to ensure the results shared in the Annual Report continue on.
I do need to say that of all the figures presented, the crime numbers resound with me as it is the only NKRA that affects my daily life directly. I do feel safer with the presence of additional policemen, road blocks and beat points in areas which were previously notorious for snatch thefts and break-ins like SS2, Subang Jaya and Bangsar.