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Saturday 1 January 2011

History subject in Malaysia has turned into BTN indoctrination and myth

Senator Dr. S. Ramakrishnan

The public allegation of two history book authors that the secondary school history textbooks are being used to promote ketuanan Melayu (Malay lordship over other Malaysians) and UMNO indoctrination is well known and understood by Malaysians for a long time. Malaysians who do not agree have developed empathy and apathy towards the governance of education by the UMNO led BN government.

Those who do not learn from history will be condemned by it said a great man. UMNO perverts have degraded and distorted history so much, that this subject has lost all its sanctity and relevance to Malaysian students themselves. The purpose of studying history is to learn from the past as to how the present society and civilization came about. This knowledge helps the present generation to understand the undercurrent that underlies the change process. It enables community leaders and decision makers make decisions that are relevant and resolve conflicts. A distorted history is no use to anybody except the UMNO fundamentalists who are on the war path to destroy the Malaysian nation.

After 53 years of independence, UMNO is still not at peace with history and that it wants to change the history to glorify and amplify their role in history. Looks like the UMNO wallahs are laying the seed of desolation and dissolution of Malay society in particular and Malaysia in general. Distortions and lies cannot stand the test of time. Truth has to be reliable, universal and natural to be accepted by all. Unfortunately these UMNO wallahs who have no regard for truth, will decide the contents of the history subject. Looks frightening isn’t it?

There are Malaysians who feel that nothing can be changed politically and that the way forward is to migrate to another country. Malaysia has lost many able, skilled and talented minds. The deputy minister in Prime Minister’s office Datuk K. Devamany said that about 734,000 Malaysians left the country since 2000 to work abroad. But Devamany refuse to accept that the racial marginalizations by UMNO wallahs are the root cause of Malaysians migrating abroad. More Malaysians will leave if this is the way our education system is micro managed by UMNO racists. Efforts to set up Talent Corporation with 30 million allocated, will go down the drain and wasted.

History which is distorted and perverted will not interest students and teaching becomes a nightmare to history teachers. Historian Pearl Buck said that if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. History itself may suffer from inherent distortions and together with UMNO’s prejudice and adulteration students will learn the history which is a myth. On Oct 23, Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced that History will be made a must-pass subject for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia from 2013. The ministry will also introduce a revised SPM History curriculum in 2017, for in that year those who begin Form One in 2013 would have reached Form Five. Fresh elements to be incorporated when the History syllabus begins its new cycle are 'patriotism', 'citizenship' and 'the constitution', which by extension implicate the so-called social contract. History subject will be used as vehicle for BTN indoctrination and islamization starting from Form one itself. Looks like every other nation progressing except Malaysia.

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