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Thursday 6 January 2011

Fox Communications to ‘tutup kedai’

By Anil Netto

Public relations firm Fox Communcations Sdn Bhd is pulling down its shutters for good, according to BFM Radio this morning, a development confirmed by another press report.
The company, whose prime movers were former NST group editor Brendan Pereira and former Star group chief editor Wong Sulong, flourished under the Abdullah Badawi administration.
The firm landed plum jobs such as the Northern Corridor project launch. Its portfolio of high-profile clients included Sime Darby, Realmild and Patrick ‘Badawi’ Lim’s ill-fated Penang Global City Centre project. In the case of the PGCC, the firm audaciously tried to convince Penangites that the mammoth project was right for Penang and ‘green’. Abdullah Badawi, Koh Tsu Koon and Patrick Lim appeared together at the PGCC launch. But a concerted anti-PGCC civil society campaign torpedoed Fox’s slick public relations blitz in the media.
Months later, Penangites dumped the BN in the 2008 general election. And soon after, Koh was sent packing to KL, Badawi quit as PM, and Patrick has rarely been seen locally.
The good times were unable to roll any further. The firm has reportedly struggled to cover its salary and rental overheads, and will switch off the lights on 1 March.
Another one bites the dust. 

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