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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dr Jeffrey Kitingan To Quit PKR Thursday, Say Sources

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 14 (Bernama) -- Former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice- president Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan is expected to announce his resignation from the party on Thursday, according to sources.

A special press conference has been arranged for Dr Jeffrey to make "a very important" announcement on that day, they said.

The sources said Dr Jeffrey, who is former Bingkor assemblyman and younger brother of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) President Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, might also announce the setting up of a movement to continue his political career in anticipation of a snap general election next year.

"Dr Jeffrey is not quitting politics ... instead he is upgrading his political struggle," the sources told Bernama.

The sources declined to say whether the movement was linked to the formation of a third political block in the country which is said to be headed by former PKR stalwart Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

Political pundits see Dr Jeffrey's imminent resignation as a major blow to PKR's attempt to strengthen itself in Sabah, dubbed as "the fixed deposit" for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN).

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