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Thursday 25 November 2010

Pakatan confident PKR problems will not mar voter confidence

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 — As talk of a snap poll intensifies, the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact is gearing itself up for a showdown with Barisan Nasional (BN) and is confident that PKR’s fractious party election would not affect its chances.

PR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim brushed off today BN leaders’ constant warning that it would be capitalising on the supposed cracks in PKR’s leadership to bolster its chances in the next general election.

The opposition leader, who is also PKR’s de facto leader, confidently told reporters that the ruling BN coalition would use any tactic to try and cripple its PR rivals.

“I am sure that this will not be the only issue. When I go to Australia, it becomes and issue, when (US secretary of state) Hillary Clinton calls me, it is an issue, when I speak to (Australia Foreign Minister) Kevin Rudd, it is an issue, when Sky News or ABC News interview me, it is also an issue.

“But TV3 never interviewed me... I would be willing if they wanted to. Even Astro Awani has not interviewed me. No problem. I think they are just using as many issues as they can,” he said.

Anwar expressed confidence that the experiences of his PR colleagues like DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, former PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali and PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali in facing such attacks from their BN foes.

“They are used to these kinds of situations so I think we are ready. What do we have now that is less than what we had in Elections 2008? They often attack PAS, DAP and PKR but I think the people cannot be so easily fooled,” he said.

He added that despite the incessant accusations against the PKR leadership’s failure to address irregularities and malpractices in its just-concluded polls, the party had never once sought to hide its problems.

“When there are complaints, we take action. We never hide,” he said.

Anwar again accused the Umno-owned Malay mainstream media of attempting to silence dissenting views from the Malay community but insisted that this would not necessarily translate into a loss for PR in the coming polls.

“The Malay media do not even give space to the Malays to think. The Chinese media offers a bit of space and so do the English press but in the Malay media... they stand no chance at all,” he said.

Anwar also listed out several PR programmes that will be held over the next few months, as a part of the pact’s attempt to shore up support and stand as a cohesive front to face the BN giants in the polls.

Among others, he announced that the pact would be hosting its PR Mentris Besar and Chief Minister conference on November 29 in Shah Alam and the second national PR convention in Penang on December 19.

“Among the issues in the conference that will be discussed will be on economic performance, infrastructure and investments, racial integration and balance, community development and others,” he said.

He also said that the pact’s leaders would be holding a meeting with the Election Commission soon to discuss complaints on irregularities in electoral rolls.

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