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Friday 19 November 2010

Indians should not rely on short gains

By FMT staff

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Indian community must learn to dispel the feeling of discontentment, the Malaysian Indian Voice adviser R Kengadharan said today.

"The community must never rely on short term gains. As a community it must never shy away from the feelings of inefficiency, weaknesses and disappointment. Instead it must explore ways and means to overcome shortcomings," he said in a statement.

In pursuit of these goals, he said there was a need for the community to take drastic and decisive action.

He said the Malaysian Indian Voice, which is part of the larger outlawed Hindraf movement, would organise a grand Deepavali open house at Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam at 7pm on Nov 27. It is to inspire and encourage the community in general, and the youths in particular, to achieve success and fame.

The event will also mark the third anniversary of the Hindraf's unity rally which ended, with five of its leaders, including Kengadharan, jailed under the Internal Security Act three years ago.

"Through this gathering we hope to inculcate, introduce and share values and principles regarded essential for the progress of the Indian community in Malaysia.

"The success of the Indian community here must necessarily be made through sacrifice, contributions and collective effort. The community must posses and acquire knowledge and skills to move forward and have a competitive edge," he said.

He said the event would also be used to call on the Indian community, especially youths, to be more vigilant and not to divorce themselves from the masses.

"No one Indian should stand above the other. The open house will help raise political consciousness. In essence, we are advocating a correct leadership which is from the masses to the masses," he said.

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