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Tuesday 9 November 2010

Ex-PKR official pours scorn on Anwar, Syed Husin

By B Nantha Kumar - Free Malaysia Today

UPDATED KUALA LUMPUR: PKR’s de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and outgoing deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali today came under stinging attack from a former party official who alleged that they had sullied the party’s reputation by their style of leadership.

"Thanks to Anwar Ibrahim, (PKR deputy president aspirant) Azmin Ali and the leadership of PKR, the party's reputation has indeed gone to the dogs," said P Jenapala, who was the party’s deputy secretary-general until 2008.

"It is time to get your heads out of the sand and acknowledge this fact,” he said in a statement read out at a press conference here today.

Jenapala announced last Sept 17 that he would vie for PKR’s deputy presidency, but secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said he was not eligible because the party had sacked him in February last year for forming another political party.

In 2008, Jenapala had to quit his official post because he was a bankrupt.

His remarks today surprised observers because he directed half of the venom at Syed Husin, a respected figure inside and outside PKR who is often treated with kid gloves even by those exasperated by his political style.

“I challenge any of you—Anwar Ibrahim or his allies—to sue me if what I said is untrue,” Jenapala said.

"To Dr Syed Husin Ali, I have to say this. I used to have a lot of respect for you but since you have become Anwar Ibrahim's lackey and a willing partner in the propagation of his lies, I have completely lost my respect for you and so have most others in this party.

"I ask you, where is your integrity? Stop defending Anwar Ibrahim when he is attacked because you know what the truth is. Instead you have chosen to defend the lies and attack the truth. Where have your morals gone?”

Barking dogs
He said when attacks were levelled at Anwar or PKR for obvious flaws, including the alleged fraud in the on-going PKR polls, Syed Husin and his "brand of pseudo socialists” would come to the opposition leader’s defence “like barking dogs”.

His statement also referred to Zaid Ibrahim’s pullout from the deputy presidential race and resignation from all party posts.

He noted that Zaid managed to win 40% of the votes cast so far despite the alleged fraud.

"What this means is that at least 40% of party members are fed-up with you, Anwar Ibrahim, and do not trust you anymore,” he said.

“Anwar Ibrahim, I am calling you a brazen liar and a shameless fraud. Sue me if you dare."

“For long we have tolerated the ‘special relationship’ between Anwar and Azmin. All leaders within the party are aware of this ‘special relationship’ and are willing to lie to protect it but it is high time the lying stops.

“PKR is supposed to fight for the rights of the people – not Anwar's personal battles. And certainly not to waste our time covering up all his lies,” he added.

The contest for the PKR deputy presidency is now a straight fight between Azmin and Mustapha Kamil Ayub. Both are currently vice presidents in the party.

PKR became the first political organisation in the country to introduce the one-member-one-vote system. The staggered polls for top positions in the party began two weekends ago and are expected to come to a close at the end of this month.

Injunction to stop party meeting
On another note Jenapala also said he would apply for an injunction from the courts to stop the party's national congress, scheduled for Nov 26.

"I once again urge the party's top leadership to call off the party elections, failing which they will face legal action. Since the elections process is riddled with irregularities, the national congress should also be stopped," he said.

He added he had locus standi to initiate such an action since he was a party member, although this had been refuted by PKR headquarters last month.

"They said I was not a member but I had subsequently showed proof that I am indeed a member and they have not refuted this. So I still consider myself to be a PKR member," he added.

Jenapala said PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail was still silent on his membership and had never refuted his claim that he was still a member of the party.

"As far as the party leadership is concerned, they have not produced any evidence to proof that I was sacked from the party... so I consider myself a party member," he said.

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