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Friday 8 October 2010

Zaid Willing To Make Way For Nurul Izzah

PETALING JAYA, Oct 7 (Bernama) -- Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) deputy president hopeful Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has expressed his willingness to make way for Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai Nurul Izzah Anwar should the latter is keen to contest the post.

"I understand that Nurul will offer herself for the deputy presidency and she has enough nominations. So if she is really serious and wanted the post, I am willing to withdraw from contesting the post to open a huge door of opportunity for her.

"I see Nurul as a new blood in the party, a young blood who could attract new members, more dynamic members and professionals. I will support and help her and will not complicate her chances to win," said Zaid, who is PKR central working committee member.

Zaid, who received 38 nominations for the post, however, did not discount the possibility of going for the number one post.

"This does not mean that I am not contesting for any post. If she (Nurul Izzah) does not want contest, I will offer myself for the post. Otherwise, I may go for a higher post," he told reporters at his residence here Thursday.

Zaid also expressed his disappointment on slanders and personal attacks levelled against him by the party's top leadership.

On PKR's warning against contestants from granting interviews to certain newspapers, Zaid said he would not abide by it.

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