Contributed by Chin Oy Sim, Deputy CEO, with photos by Ambran Abu Bakar, Administrative Assistant, Bar Council
Six representatives of Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam delivered a memorandum to George Varughese, Secretary of the Malaysian Bar, on Friday, 15 Oct 2010, to protest the Bar Council’s administration and direction.


Six representatives of Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam delivered a memorandum to George Varughese, Secretary of the Malaysian Bar, on Friday, 15 Oct 2010, to protest the Bar Council’s administration and direction.
Approximately 100-150 supporters, armed with banners and placards, had gathered outside the Bar Council premises after Friday prayers. Their chants could be heard clearly in the vicinity, but the crowd was kept in check by the strong presence of members of the police and Federal Reserve Unit.
During the handover of the memorandum, coalition representatives Syahrir Aziz (Chairperson of PEKIDA, Pertubuhan Kebajikan & Dakwah Islamiah SeMalaysia), Arman Azha Hj Abu Hanifah (Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia), Jais Abdul Karim (President of Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung), Roslan Dahaman (PEKIDA), and Rashid Fadzil (PEKIDA) expressed a number of concerns.
They stated that Bar Council must have an effective disciplinary mechanism, as it has the authority to decide which lawyers can practise law. Lawyers that have been suspended or disbarred must not be allowed to continue in legal practice. Members of the public have lost faith in lawyers as a result of recent events where two lawyers were reportedly involved in a case involving multiple murders.
According to the representatives, the Bar Council is too “political”, and, instead of maintaining a neutral position, tends to act akin to a political party or to show bias towards a specific political party. One example cited was Bar Council’s involvement in a public forum organised by SUARAM the previous evening, where the performance of the Inspector General of Police had been criticised.
It was also claimed that the brochures and dialogue sessions of the Bar Council’s MyConsti campaign urge the amendment of the Federal Constitution in order to give equal rights to all races. The speaker asserted that this would amount to the abolition of the special rights of Malays (“hak istimewa orang Melayu”), which he protested, stating that it is a non-negotiable matter.
The Secretary thanked the representatives for putting forward their concerns. He explained that Bar Council views disciplinary issues seriously and is very strict with Members of the Bar. When a complaint is lodged against a Member of the Bar, the Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board, which is an independent body, will investigate and take appropriate action.
He elaborated that, for example, the Disciplinary Board had struck off the two lawyers referred to, from the Roll of advocates and solicitors in November 2009. However, the court granted the lawyers’ application to stay the execution of the Disciplinary Board’s order and allowed them to continue practice, with certain conditions, pending the disposal of their appeal1.
The Secretary affirmed that Bar Council has always been, and continues to be, apolitical, despite any perception to the contrary. Accordingly, Bar Council will voice its views when there is wrongdoing or injustice by either the Government or the Opposition.
The gathering outside the Bar Council dispersed soon after the delivery of the memorandum.
They stated that Bar Council must have an effective disciplinary mechanism, as it has the authority to decide which lawyers can practise law. Lawyers that have been suspended or disbarred must not be allowed to continue in legal practice. Members of the public have lost faith in lawyers as a result of recent events where two lawyers were reportedly involved in a case involving multiple murders.
According to the representatives, the Bar Council is too “political”, and, instead of maintaining a neutral position, tends to act akin to a political party or to show bias towards a specific political party. One example cited was Bar Council’s involvement in a public forum organised by SUARAM the previous evening, where the performance of the Inspector General of Police had been criticised.
It was also claimed that the brochures and dialogue sessions of the Bar Council’s MyConsti campaign urge the amendment of the Federal Constitution in order to give equal rights to all races. The speaker asserted that this would amount to the abolition of the special rights of Malays (“hak istimewa orang Melayu”), which he protested, stating that it is a non-negotiable matter.
The Secretary thanked the representatives for putting forward their concerns. He explained that Bar Council views disciplinary issues seriously and is very strict with Members of the Bar. When a complaint is lodged against a Member of the Bar, the Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board, which is an independent body, will investigate and take appropriate action.
He elaborated that, for example, the Disciplinary Board had struck off the two lawyers referred to, from the Roll of advocates and solicitors in November 2009. However, the court granted the lawyers’ application to stay the execution of the Disciplinary Board’s order and allowed them to continue practice, with certain conditions, pending the disposal of their appeal1.
The Secretary affirmed that Bar Council has always been, and continues to be, apolitical, despite any perception to the contrary. Accordingly, Bar Council will voice its views when there is wrongdoing or injustice by either the Government or the Opposition.
The gathering outside the Bar Council dispersed soon after the delivery of the memorandum.
1 On 18 Oct 2010, the High Court dismissed the lawyers’ appeal against the Disciplinary Board’s decision to strike them off the Roll
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAJLIS GABUNGAN NGO-NGO MELAYU ISLAM
Di alamat, 30 Jalan Horley Off Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Di alamat, 30 Jalan Horley Off Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Tarikh : 11/10/2010
Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam ingin meluahkan perasaan kesal dan terkilan teramat sangat terhadap tindak-tanduk Majlis Peguam ini yang sering mempertikai dan cuba mengganggu proses siasatan polis terhadap suspek kes-kes yang sedang di dalam siasatan. Pembunuhan kejam terhadap empat orang muslim tersebut oleh suspek seolah-olah dianggap terlalu remeh oleh Majlis Peguam sehingga menimbul tanda tanya kepada umum tentang peranan sebenar mereka sebagai pengamal undang-undang. Adakah ia sebagai sebuah badan guaman yang benar-benar bebas untuk melindungi kepentingan awam? Atau ia sebenarnya kini telah menjadi alat part-parti politik tertentu, tanpa memperdulikan sensistiviti rakyat berbilang kaum di Negara ini. Majlis Peguam sepatutnya lebih rasional, telus dan pragmatic dalam memperjuangkan menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan buat semua tanpa mengira kaum, Agama, Ideologi dan parti politik.
Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya pembunuhan kejam tersebut yang dianggap melampaui batas kemanusiaan dan waras pemikiran manusia normal dan sesungguhnya insiden itu amat mengejutkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia di mana ia dilakukan tanpa sifat berperikemanusiaan sehingga secara ganas menghina serta menghiris perasaan orang-orang Islam lebih-lebih lagi ia berlaku ketika umat Islam sedang melakukan ibadat puasa di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia. Perbuatan kejam membakar mangsa beragama Islam sehingga menjadi abu bukan merupakan cara Islam dan kerana itu rakyat perlu mengutuk sekeras-kerasanya perbuatan terkutuk tersebut termasuk Majlis Peguam. Kami mengucapkan takziah dan simpati kepada semua keluarga mangsa pembunuhan yang tersebut dan mengharapkan mereka semua dapat bersabar, tabah dan redha di atas ketentuan Tuhan. Sehubungan dengan itu Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam ingin mengucapkan tahniah dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tinggi serta ucapan terima kasih di atas kesungguhan dan kecekapan pihak PDRM yang berusaha keras siang dan malam melakukan penyiasatan terhadap kes pembunuhan kejam ini dengan kadar yang segera. Kami juga ining mengingatkan dan memberi amaran keras kepada mana-mana pihak berkepentingan yang cuba mempolitikkan isu ini dengan merendah-rendahkan kewibawaan serta martabat PDRM seperti mana pernah berlaku sebelum ini.
Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam ingin meluahkan rasa kesal yang teramat sangat di atas kecuaian Majlis Peguam memantau dan membersihkan peguam-peguam yang bermasalah dengan memaklumkan kepada masyarakat tentang kes salah laku mereka sehingga menyebabkan peristiwa hitam ini boleh berlaku. Tuduhan liar sesetengah pihak yang mengatakan seolah-olah pihak PDRM gagal memngambil tindakan terhadap peguam-peguam yang telah dilaporkan melakukan salah laku dan kegiatan jenayah adalah merupakan satu cara melarikan diri dari tanggungjawab dengan menjadikan PDRM sebagai kambing hitam sementara Majlis Peguam hanya mengambil jalan mudah dengan mencuci tangan. Majlis Peguam sepatutnya lebih cekap dan peka dengan mengambil langkah-langkah proaktif lebih pantas dan cepat dengan mengasingkan peguam-peguam yang bermasalah tersebut dengan membuat kenytaan secara terbuka di dalam media massa atau memperkenalkan kad kuasa yang mesti diperbaharui setiap tahun sebelum para peguam dibenarkan meneruskan aktiviti guaman dan perniagaan mereka. Justeru itu Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam mendesak Presiden Majlis Peguam beserta barisan kepimpinan exconya meletakkan jawatan serentak dan Majlis Peguam yang ada dibubarkan kerana dianggap bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya di atas kegagalan mereka menjaga kredibiliti dan profesionalisme Majlis Peguam yang buat masa ini berada di tahap yang paling rendah di kacamata masyarakat.
Yang menghairankan lagi, Majlis Peguam juga amat sepi untuk memperjuangkan nasib mangsa-mangsa yang dibunuh kejam tanpa ada pembelaan yang bersemangat, seperti mana perjuangan mereka apabila isu kematian Kugan dan Teng Beng Hock terjadi. Keluarga-keluarga mangsa bunuh ini, juga hanya sekadar diucapkan takziah. Walaupun salah seorang mangsa adalah Peguam. Pelik dan hairan inikah keadilan pilih bulu oelh Majlis Peguam. Tiada dana yang ditawarkan oleh Majlis Peguam bagi membela keluarga-keluarga simati atau pakej-pakej lain yang lebih istimewa.
Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam mencadangkan sebuah Suruhanjaya Di Raja segera ditubuhkan bagi menyiasat kedudukan Majlis Peguam kerana rakyat semakin sangsi, sangat bimbang dan tertekan sekiranya tiada siasatan bebas dilakukan terhadap Majlis Peguam. Peristiwa tragis dan menyayat hati seperti pembunuhan Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya dan ramai lagi manusia-manusia yang tidak berdosa akan terus berulang, justeru akan menjadikan Negara Malaysia yang tercinta ini tidak lagi selamat dan aman untuk didiami. Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam mencadangkan Majlis Peguam mestilah diletakkan dibawah Menteri Kehakiman atau dibawah kuasa sebuah Suruhanjaya Di Raja yang bebas bertujuan untuk memastikan prestasi, profesionalisme, ketelusan dan sifat bertanggungjawaban Majlis Peguam dilaksanakan dan rakyat mendapat kembali keyakinan dan mempercayai semula Majlis Peguam sebagai sebuah Badan Guaman yang benar-benar bebas, adil berwibawa dan dihormati. Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam berpendapat kebenaran dan keadilan mesti ditegakkan buat semua bukan untuk segelintir pengamal undang-undang, kawan-kawan politik atau kroni tertentu.
Majlis Gabungan NGO-NGO Melayu Islam
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