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Wednesday 15 September 2010


Beginning 17th September, various Branches will start the process of proposing names of candidates for all positions in the Party. The time has come for me to state whether I will be defending my position as Deputy President or not.

Of late quite a number of Central, State, Division leaders and ordinary members have sent me sms or emails and phoned me asking or even urging that I should stand. They provided all kinds of reasons. I thank them all most sincerely.

Truly, I wish to see a younger and more active person to succeed me, although at the age of exactly 74 which falls next week, Insha Allah, I sometimes do not feel that old. I wish to devote more time on writing. Besides my wife, children and grand children, this is my great love.

For a long time I have indicated that I would like to withdraw from my position as Deputy President when the time came. I have consulted with my family, a few Party leaders and a number of close friends. Now I have decided not to stand.

But this does not mean that I will leave politics and the Party for good. I began my involvement in politics when I joined the Malaysian People’s Party in 1958. I have been Deputy President of the People’s Justice Party since 2003. Politics and the struggle for the people are in my flesh and blood. Thus it will not be easy to abandon them just like that.

I hope and pray that KEADILAN, as well as its Women and Youth wings will be led by leaders who are committed to the basic struggle of the Party as stated in its Constitution, respectful of Party organizational discipline, tested through long and arduous struggles, good team players, uncompromising against all forms of corruption and upholding high moral values.

It rests upon the members to determine who they want as leaders. The direct election process that has just been introduced by KEADILAN gives every member a vote. It is very democratic. As far as I know this may be the only political party in the world that practices this process.

It is of utmost importance that his process is carried out, by every candidate standing and every member voting, in a fair, clean, transparent manner and free from the corruption of money politics.

Dr Syed Husin Ali
14 September 2010

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