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Saturday 18 September 2010

Sabah, Sarawak losing points to KL

FMT ALERT KOTA KINABALU: Several PKR leaders vying for divisional posts have resorted to using illegal immigrants to win.
"It is quite rampant in Sabah. Many contestants who have no chance of winning are bringing in illegals to vote for them," a local leader told FMT.

He added that in the Kudat division, the main contender, believed to be aligned to PKR vice- president Azmin Ali, brought with him 800 “new members” for voting today.

"They all had temporary MyKads with them," said the local leader.

He claimed that the contenders who have little support in Sabah were using illegals as a way to break the stronghold held by PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan in the state.

Jeffrey has thrown his support behind PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim for the deputy's post. Azmin is also vying for the post.

"Azmin's boys are trying to use whatever ways possible to come to power in Sabah," said another local leader close to Jeffrey.

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