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Tuesday 28 September 2010

Hanif: Employment reflects racism in the country

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid - Free Malaysia Today,

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Hanif Omar said today employment in this country mirrors the widespread racism which has thwarted efforts at achieving national unity.

The government has not put emphasis on national unity for the past 40 years, he said at a forum here today.

"There are not a lot of non-Bumiputeras in the civil service and in government-linked companies while there is a lack of Malays in Chinese businesses," he said.
"If there are, they're low level employees like drivers and so on," he said.

He said this was proof that the government has not done enough to address the racial division in the country, adding that the situation needed to be rectifed urgently.
Hanif also called on the government to increase more non-bumiputra participation in civil services, saying it will have a "cascading" effect that can lead to national unity.
Hanif's views echo that of the recent Chinese Economic Congress organised by the MCA where one of the resolutions called on the government to increase non-Bumiputera participation in GLCs.

It also called on the government to work for genuine participation of Malays and non-Malays in businesses, a key move to push the economy forward.

Top posts in GLCs are traditionally reserved for Malay professionals, a policy propounded under the race-based affirmative action New Economic Policy.

Leaders like Umno deputy president and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin warned MCA to toe the line, saying its demands were in violation of the Federal Constitution.

Hanif's comments also come amidst the emergence of right-wing Malay groups like Perkasa, which are waging a fight against what they described as growing non-Malay challenge against the special position of the Malays.

Hanif did not mention Perkasa but said there is a need to refer to the Federal Constitution which was framed to ensure that the rights of all the races are safeguarded while recognising the special status of the Malays.
Hanif also called on the government to increase more non-bumiputera participation in civil services, saying it will have a "cascading" effect that can lead to national unity.

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