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Friday 23 July 2010

Thurs: Tharmendran, Fadiah, Hasmuzair, Samad

Had a full day yesterday, starting with the Ministry of Defence, where some people had gathered with Sgt. Tharmendran‘s father to submit a memorandum demanding he be protected.
YB Mike & Tharmendran's father
Some of the people who showed up: S Manickavasagam, M Manogaran, Zuraidah Kamaruddin, N Surendran, Latheefa Koya, Tian Chua

After an (always interesting) lunch with Tian about what really was going on about those jet engines (connections were drawn to our ‘wrong’ vote on Iran in the UN, the spare parts black market, etc etc), we headed to MACC KL, in support of Fadiah.

That’s Fadiah, Puspa, Mike, June (web AND twitter), and Andrew Khoo.

As you can see, Suren (like Fadiah) is everywhere.
What happened in the end: Fadiah refused to divulge any information until the MACC could provide a written guarantee for the safety of the migrant workers in question.
Their response? No such thing. I guess the welfare of the victims is not an important factor in their “investigations”.
On that note, must point out the diligent efforts of my own MP, Lim Lip Eng, to dispel nonsense accusations that there were in fact no children at the palace construction site. Reminds me how valuable my vote was :)
Showing photos taken during his visit to the site on June 21 and 24 with journalists, Lim (below, facing camera) said he had seen twoNONEinfants and a toddler aged around two years living there with their Indonesian parents who worked on site.
“But the workers told us that there are about 10 more babies of a few months age living there too,” he told a press conference at his service centre this morning.
Lim’s assistant – Khairuddin Karim (right) – who accompanied him on the site visit said the children lived in cramped conditions with several adults sharing a container cabin measuring about 48 square feet.
You go YB!
Last visit (before WAY too many hours at Dota :( ) was for the tahlil services at the PKR HQ for Hasmuzair and Samad:

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