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Wednesday 7 July 2010

Seeing beyond race

By Zefry Dahalan - Free Malaysia Today

SENAWANG: As politicians indulge in endless squabbles over race and religion, now and then, a story emerges to remind Malaysians that there are still those who see beyond colour and creed.

This is one such story, and although the sum involved might be small, the gesture is rich in hope for this nation.

M Mithanraj, 12, suffers from a critical vision problem known as “cataract cornea” and this has affected his studies since reading has become a struggle.

His mother G Kalaiselvi, 36, could not raise the RM400 needed for a pair of special spectacles and turned to Paroi's PAS state assemblyman Mohamad Taufek Abdul Gani for help.

Taufek hilglighted the boy's plight in his blog, and within 24 hours, a Malay individual had contacted the rep, saying that he is willing to pay the amount.

Meanwhile Kalaiselvi told FMT that she is grateful for the help.

"When YB Taufek told me that a good samaritan has come forward to help my son, I never expected him to be a Malay. That really touched me,” said the mother of three, who was in tears.

Kalaiselvi urged all Malaysians to emulate the actions of the good samaritan and help the poor regardless of race and religion.

When approached, the man refused to identify himself, saying that he only wanted Mithanraj to do well in the upcoming UPSR examination.

Taufek has also appealed to the public to help Kalaiselvi, who is struggling to make ends meet with her low salary. She can be contacted at 016-6745644.

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