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Thursday 8 July 2010

Girl lodges report against ex-police officer for molest

By Dominic Legeh - Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: A former senior police officer who is a “Datuk” is under investigation for allegedly molesting a 20-year-old at an entertainment outlet in Luyang two years ago.

The victim, who was a teenager at the time, is from the interior part of Sabah.

Her police report lodged against the officer, last Friday, has brought the alleged sexual assault into the open.

The victim, now 20, who was working in the local entertainment industry at the time, says she is still traumatised by the assault that happened during a birthday party held at the outlet.

“The incident took place some time back, but after a long and painful reflection I decided to come out and make the police report,” she told a press conference at Wong Kwok Restaurant in Bundusan, Penampang, yesterday.

“I remained silent about what happened because I was ashamed of it. I now realise that the crime outweighs the shame of bringing this out into the open,” she said, explaining why it took her so long to lodge a report.

She said that for a long time she had been living in fear of the datuk because he is “somebody” in society and was fond of telling everyone he was a senior police officer.

She said she did not know who the datuk was prior to the incident.

She said the incident took placed on the night of Dec 11, 2008, when she accompanied her brother-in-law to the birthday celebration of his boss.

There were about 100 people at the party, she said.

Name card

At around 11pm, she claimed the datuk, who was a guest, then forced his way towards where she was with her friends and grabbed her by hugging her and at the same time squeezing her breasts with both his hands.

She said he also tried to forcefully kiss her on the lips. “I pushed him with all my strength but he was too strong for me,” she said.

She said one of her friends who was near her at that time managed to push the datuk from her.

She said after that the datuk approached her again and gave her his name card, besides telling her he was a datuk. She looked at it and then threw it away.

She thought it was over but 10 minutes later, the datuk again forced his way towards her and her friend tried to obstruct him but was pushed aside. The datuk again grabbed her and at the same time caressed her buttocks.

“He was acting like an animal and he treated me as such. He demeaned me and violated my honour and dignity,” she said.

“I did not go to the police to complain for a long time partly because I was advised that the police look after their own and that the datuk would be allowed to behave as he pleases without fear of being prosecuted,” she said.

She said she will leave it to the police to investigate and take action, adding she had many witnesses who saw how the datuk humiliated her in public.

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