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Friday 16 July 2010

BN backbenchers on the trail of conman 'Baladevan'

By Teoh El Sen - Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: The Barisan Nasional backbenchers will be on the trail of suspected connman “Baladevan” who has allegedly swindled more than 40 local companies of over RM5 million.
Their Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) will initiate an investigation into this well-dressed local man who uses the names of prominent figures in India and sensitive "government documents" to lure his unsuspecting victims.

BNBBC deputy chairman Bung Mokhtar Radin said its members were "very concerned" about the matter and will bring it up to Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha.

"If need be, we will also debate the issue at the next parliamentary session," said Bung Mokhtar, who is Kinabatangan MP.

He was speaking at the Parliament House lobby today after Consumer Association of Subang and Shah Alam president Jacob George handed over a memorandum on this matter to the BNBBC.

"We will study the memorandum as it involves our nation's dignity and these allegations have marred it. We want to make sure we are not seen to be involved... This is serious as it involves other countries," Bung Mokhtar said.

Exhaustive investigation

Meanwhile, Jacob said the Transport Ministry and the government of India must undertake an exhaustive investigation.

"We are asking the Malaysian government to suspend all railway-related awards until this matter is cleared up. We are also asking that both countries set up a joint task force because this involves government documents," he added.

"Indian government officials seem to have a symbiotic relationship with this man and they cannot wash their hands off ," Jacob said.

He said a "mass police report" is being planned by the companies which fell victim to the alleged trickster.

FMT had reported that a local man claiming to have connections with high-profile figures in India had allegedly fleeced more than 40 local companies with offers of contracts in large-scale government projects.

The 56-year-old man, known only as "Baladevan", had allegedly raked in more than RM5 million from his victims over the past 10 years.

One of the projects he had purportedly “sold” was the Seremban-Gemas double-tracking project in Negri Sembilan. Speaking in fluent Queen's English, he allegedly tricked the companies into accepting his offer of becoming sub-contractors for the project.

Baladevan claimed that he had close ties with high-profile figures from India's Ministry of Railways, Railway Board and the main contractor Ircon International Ltd. The man also would produce detailed documents of the railway plans and specifications as well as an "official" letter of awards between the two governments to prove that the whole undertaking was legitimate.

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