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Tuesday 20 July 2010

The attacks on the natives must stop

By Paul Raja - Free Malaysia Today,

COMMENT What has been reported about the assault on Penans in Limbang last month is what surfaces. There are so many problems that went unreported and the native people have suffered in silence.

No one takes pity on them. It has become a routine when a native is being victimized by a the logging company. This is just one of the many incidents that managed to surface. There are many more that have been suppressed or unknown.

To the natives, it has become a normal challenge in their daily lives. They have been told and indoctrinated that these are part of the process of politics of development.
As such you are not to or cannot question the effect that you may suffer.

But above all, the people have been instilled with the spirit of fear. They people fear the authorities and Chief Minister Taib Mahmud so much. For no apparent reason. But that is the reality. They fear him so much.
People are told that if they go against the logging companies, they are fighting the government. They are fighting against development.

The consequences that may follow if they fight the government are:
1.There will be no development;
2.There will be no project for the village;
3. The schools in the village will be closed;
4.The clinics in the village will be closed;
5. The police will arrest them;
6. If they have children working in the government department, they will be dismissed;
7. Their children will not be entitled to government scholarship;
8. They will not be given any contracts; and many others.

Of course these are the usual BN tricks against the rural folks; but they work wonders among the natives.
The fact remains that the people fear Taib so much. This fear must be broken. People must vote and act based on a rational thinking not out of fear.

Just wonder, whether the situation is similar to those employed by the KGB in Russia during the Soviet Union era.

To break this spirit of fear in the people; all people must pray for freedom and liberty from the control of the spirit of fear.

Once the people are liberated and freed from the spirit of fear, they will no longer be subjected to any manipulation. Then what had happened to the Penan in Limbang will not recur.

Paul Raja is a human and native rights lawyer. He is also a state level PKR leader.

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