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Thursday 29 July 2010

Another RMAF Sgt suffers due to injustice of higher ups

Are the upper echelons of our armed forces busy protecting our country, or stealing from it?
Today features the 3rd installment of Malaysiakini’s expose on the armed forces.
They also carried a more human story, of yet another RMAF Sgt (after Tharmendran) who has suffered at the hands of his superiors.
Do read this tale of one brave man refusing to be part of an electricity theft scam, and being continually harassed and bullied by his superiors (although I think the term is clearly a misnomer) for refusing to play ball.
All of his family have been harassed and transfered from one end of the nation to the other, and even though he has retired, the RMAF continues to make life difficult for him, his wife, and his six children.
What makes these people think they have the right to beat up on ‘lower ranking’ Malaysians? What makes them think an institution as important as our armed forces is merely another ‘bowl’ to plunder money that belongs to the rakyat?
Sigh. I suppose they take leadership by (BN) example a little too seriously.
More on the Malaysiakini expose sometime in the future I hope.

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