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Thursday 17 June 2010

UMNO’s PPP Deputy Minister mandore performs his mandore job at “Govt fair in PSD scholarships."

(See The Star 14/6/2010 at page N16)
You see now how UMNO has got away scot free by practicing racism, segregationist and supremacist policies against even the fifth and sixth generation Malaysian born Indians using their MIC and PPP mandores, and now ably aped by even the PKR, DAP and PAS state governments in Selangor, Penang and Kedah also using their Indian MP DCM II Exco, Adun, Councilor, JKKK and Ketua Kampung Indian mandores.
They have Unisel largely for Malays but none for Indians and Chinese, and this is not an issue for the Pakatan Indian and Chinese mandores.
P. Uthayakumar

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