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In Reply : Date : 29th June 2010
YAB. Dato Seri Najib Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia
Chairman, Cabinet Committee on Malaysian Indians.
Blok Utama Bangunan Perdana Putra,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Fax: 03-88883444
62502 Putrajaya Email:
Y. B. Senator Dato Raja Nong Chik bin
Dato Raja Zainal Abidin
Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan,
Aras 4, Blok B2,
Menara PJH, Presint 2,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Fax: 03-88891411
62100 Putrajaya. Email:
Y. Bhg Dato Ahmad Faud bin Ismail
Dato Bandar Kuala Lumpur
Tingkat 27, Menara DBKL
Jalan Raja Laut Fax : 03-26919664
50350 Kuala Lumpur Email :
En. Rolan bin Hj. Abd. Rahman
(Jabatan Keselamatan & Pengutakuasaan)
Jalan Tun Razak Fax : 03-40218260
50400 Kuala Lumpur E-Mail :
SOS P.M: Stop demolishment of Sintamany Orphanage and Hindu temple, Jinjang, Kuala Lumpur on 30/06/2010.
We have been instructed to write on behalf of the Sintamany Orphanage, Jinjang Kuala Lumpur who has been served with a notice to demolish this seven year old Sintamany orphanage and the adjoining Hindu temple.
This home was founded by a 26 year old youth Praveendran a/l Balasamy who was moved to do so when he found a 13 year old Indian boy loitering by a rubbish dumpsite.
This home is currently occupying an almost one acre unused land in Jinjang Utara belonging to the UMNO led Government of Malay-sia.
Last month some 50 UMNO policemen and welfare officers stormed this home bullied and harassed the occupants there to move out. Two children aged three and five become ill and were hospitalized as a result of this.
Other children sent to the government welfare homes are being forcibly converted to Islam like in the latest cases of Darshini and Banggarama (The Sun 25/11/2009 at page 4) .
Many of these orphans have been denied even their rightful birth certificates and this home is applying for the same for them.
It is the duty and responsibility of any government in any part of the world to take care of or orphans and One Malay-sia seems to be the exception in so far as the poor ethnic minority Malaysian Indians are concerned.
This is a Tamil saying Mr . Prime Minister that if one cannot help the least one could do is not to do damage.
So please do not damage and demolish this Sintamany Orphanage on 30/06/2010 at 9.00 a.m.
Instead we urge your goodselves as not only the Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on the Indians but also the Prime Minister for all Malaysians not including and segregating the Malaysian Indians to grant this home RM 200, 000.00 per annum and also the land this orphanage is
IF we remember food, shelter and clothing are the basic necessities in the life of a any human being and is about the most basic economic theory.
We call upon your goodselves especially as the Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on the Indians to also urgently address of this new critical phenomena of the alarmingly large number of poor and poverty stricken Indian children, single parents elderly and sickly Indians ending up in welfare homes such as these. The latest example being in today’s (The Starmetro 29/06/2010 at page M 15) with pictures of all Indian children and single parents and a 10 year old Indian girl allegedly sexually abused at a welfare home in Gemas. (The Star 29/06/2010 at page N 3). This is a new phenomena which has arisen only in the last 20 years or so as a direct result of the NEP with the excusion of the Indians from the national mainstream development of Malaysia and with no solutions even in the next five year national development plan the NEM.
Your kind, swift, prompt and urgent action in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Kindly revert to us accordingly.
Thank You.
Your faithfully,
P. Uthayakumar
Secretary General (pro tem)
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