As expected and maybe having monitored our website postings yesterday attacking the UMNO One Malay-sia Prime Minister Najib Razak for socially engineering the Indian poor to this pathetic state, the New Straits sub headlines “ Mum : They ate soil to spite me” (NST 1/6/10 at page 11).
Also aiding and abetting this UMNO regime is The Star 1/6/10 at page N8. “It tasted like chocolate, says girl who ate stones’’.
These two newsreports as usual have been slanted to divert attention away from UMNO’s racism, religious extremist and supremacist policies that has retained the Indian poor as poor or made them poorer by excluding them from the national mainstream development of Malaysia. The Indians in Malaysia are prepared to work hard but have been denied the equal opportunities and the equal upward mobility opportunities.
This hungry Indian poor children eating sand case is a leading example and is only the tip of the iceberg of the Indian poor’s misery, pain and suffering in prosperous Malay-sia, the country with the world’s tallest twin towers.
The New Straits Times and the other mainstream media including the three Tamil newspapers on many occasions, their primary objective is to pin the blame on the Indian community themselves and divert attention away from UMNO’s racist, discriminatory and supremacist policies that is designed to keep the Indians in the poor and lower income bracket.
Had this family been a poor Malay, Orang Asli, Iban, kadazan they would have their traditional villages and/or ancestral land as a social safety net, where can plant something or pluck something. They would not have to pay rentals to start off with. And the sky would be the limit for them to open up land for agriculture, poultry or animal farming.
But because they are Indians this option is excluded to them which is readily and freely available to the poor orang Malays, Orang Asli, Kadazan and Iban.
Thus our oft repeated point that the poor Indians are poorer than the poor Malays, Orang Asli, Kadazan and Iban.
Being born as a Indian poor does not qualify them to the 442,000 land plots in Felda, Felcra, Risda, fama, Mardi, Agropolition agricultural land distribution programmes, and the parallel eleven state government ten acre land ownership schemes. Why is this so?
Malaysia Nanban, 1/6/10 at page 1 correctly reported poverty to be the root cause of this family’s misery. Also in Tamil Nesan on 1/6/10 at page 14.
How come the UMNO racist JKKK and the Welfare Department refused to identify this poor Indian family as a needy recipient? How come the RM 48 million welfare assistance allocation in the 2010 national budget did not reach this family? And hundreds of thousands of other poor Indian families? How come the RM 850 million in the 2010 national budget as social safety net for the poor disabled and senior citizens does not reach these kind of poor? Are there any others poorer than this in this country? How come the RM 159 million for pre-school children and the RM 2 billion in the form of aid for schoolchildren especially those under the poor students project is denied to this and hundreds of thousands of poor Indian school children.
But this Indian family and thousands of other Indian families suffering similar predicaments are sidelined by the UMNO led Malay-sian government’s 1,016,799 racist religious extremist and supremacist mostly civil service Biro Tatanegara graduates (See UM Buliten 21/6/09 at page 19).
Thus the unresolved Indian dilemma by commission by UMNO and by omission by PKR, DAP, PAS, NGOs’, Bloggers, Indian journalists and the Indian elite in general by omission.
P. Uthayakumar
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