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Tuesday 8 June 2010

Hindu temple relocation by UMNO and PKR. Why no similar relocation for mosques, churches, Buddhist temples, etc

At the slightest excuse, both UMNO and also PKR, DAP and PAS state governments jump to relocate Hindu temples, cemeteries, Tamil schools and Indian settlements from the prime land they are sitting on to another temporary a backwater, wastelands, sewerage systems, etc.
We recall our last trip to the Pravasi Conference in New Delhi when Karuna pointed out a small mosque in the centre of a roundabout and earlier a muslim congregation in a muslim graveyard within the compound of the New Delhi International Airport compound, even when India has a particular Islamic terrorist problem.
And the development of the airport going around the little masjid. India does not use their army and police to demolish or relocate or ethnically cleanse these masjids even with their  85% Hindu majority. This is a civil society government, not of the likes of UMNO, PKR, PAS or DAP.
This is  the extent of freedom of religion and in dignity which can take place in India but never in One Malay-sia.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

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